Theofania Tsironi
Theofania Tsironi
Assistant Professor
Laboratory of Food Process Engineering
![]() Theofania Tsironi holds Diploma in Chemical Engineering and PhD in Food Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and Master of Public Health from the National School of Public Health (Greece). Her principal research is in the fields of quality and shelf life modelling of chilled and frozen food, packaging, predictive microbiology, nonthermal processing, active packaging and cold chain management by application of smart labels. Results of her research have been published in 37 peer reviewed journals, 5 book chapters and more than 100 scientific conference proceedings (h-index 13, Scopus, April 2020). She actively participated in 22 multi-partner research projects (Task leader since 2008, WP leader since 2016, scientific responsible for EU project partner and EU project co-coordinator since January 2020): 1 funded by the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area {PRIMA Section 2 “Sustainable technologies and methodologies to improve quality and extend product shelf life in the Mediterranean agro-food supply chain”, Acrunym: FRUALGAE (2020-2023)}, 8 funded by the European Community {MSCA-RISE “OptImization of novel value CHains for fish and seafood by developing an integraTed sustainable approacH for improved qualitY, safety and waSte reduction”, Acronym: ICHTHYS (2020-2023), ERANET-COFASP "SUStainable production of HIgh quality aquaculture FISH using innovative tools and production strategies and integrating novel processing methods and cold chain management", Acronym: SUSHIFISH (2016-2019), Framework 5–Quality of life "Development and application of a TTI based safety monitoring and assurance system (SMAS) for chilled meat products" (QLK1-CT2002-02545) (2003-2006), FP7-KBBE-2009-3-01, "Food Refrigeration Innovations for Safety, consumer Benefit, Environmental Ιmpact and Energy optimization along cold chain in Europe", Acronym: FRISBEE (GA No:245288) (2010-2014), FP7, "Development of a SOftware tool for Prediction of ready-to-eat food product sHelf life, quality and safetY" Acronym: SOPHY, GA: 289053 (2012-2015), IQ-FRESHLABEL-Developing novel intelligent labels for chilled and frozen food products and promoting the influence of smart labels application on waste reduction, food quality and safety in the European supply chains, GA No: 243423 (2010-2014); FOOD-CT-2006-036337: MONIQA-Towards the harmonisation of analytical methods for monitoring quality and safety in the food supply chain) (2007-2012), COLL-CT-2005-012371: FRESHLABEL-Integrated Approach to enable Traceability of the Cold chain of Fresh, Chilled Meat and Fish Products by means of Taylor-made Time/Temperature Indicators(2005-2008)}, 4 funded by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of Greece {THALES: DeMMoNFoQuS-Development, mathematical modeling and optimal design of nonthermal technologies for processing, packaging, distribution and storage of safe high quality food products (2012-2015); ARISTEIA II: HIPEFO-Study of high pressure, pulsed electric fields and ozonation novel processes and applicability to improve quality and productivity of Greek fruit and vegetable industrial products (2014-2015); KRANIOS: Development of reproduction and culture methods for meagre (Argyrosomus regius) as a means to improve the competitiveness of the aquaculture industry through species diversification (2011-2014); EPAN TR-29: Development of production technologies for innovative fish feeds for reared Mediterranean species (2003-2006)}, 1 funded by the Greek Operational Programme for Fisheries {Priority Axis 3 ''Measures of Common Interest'' Measure 3.5 ''Pilot Projects'' (2014-2015)} and 8 funded directly by international and Greek industries. In 2016 Dr Tsironi was awarded the IKY Fellowship of Excellence for Postgraduate studies in Greece-SIEMENS program for postdoctoral research at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (current University of West Attica) for the research entitled “Next generation sequencing for the diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria in Greek fisheries: A novel technique, common to face major public health issues” (Thematic area: Health, Field: Biotechnology-Molecular biotechnology, 2016-2017). Through her collaboration with FreshStrips B.V. as the Application Engineer she has accumulated applied experience in the novel food packaging sector. The FreshStrips team received numerous awards, including the Merck Displaying Futures Award (September 2016), Get in the ring Netherlands (November 2016), Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award (June 2017) and the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece (July 2017). At the Dutch Chemistry Conference CHAINS FreshStrips received the “Gouden Kiem Award” for best chemistry startup 2017. She has been the CTO and co-founder of SuSea B.V. (2/2018-8/2019), a food processing company developing innovative processing technologies for seafood, and was awarded the 1st prize in the Future Agro Challenge award by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food, as the Greek company that can contribute to EIT Food’s mission for a better European nutrition system.
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