Research Projects

European projects

Safety of traditional fermented sausages: Research on protective cultures and bacteriocins (INCO-DEV) (2002-2005).

Assessment and improvement of safety of traditional dry sausages from producers to consumers (2003-2006).

Pathology and ecology of the genus Clostridium in humans, animals and foodstuffs: Identification, epidemiology and prophylaxis (Genus Clostridium), European concerted action, (2001-2004),

Control and prevention of emerging and future pathogens at cellular and molecular level throughout the food chain. European Integrated Project. PathogenCombat (2005-2010).

Comprehensive approach to enhance quality & safety of ready-to-eat fresh products. QUAFETY (2012-2015).

SOPHY "Development of a SOftware tool for Prediction of ready-to-eat food product sHelf life, quality and safetY", KBBE.2011.2.4-01 (funding scheme: research targeted for SMEs).

PROMISE "Protection of consumers by microbial risk mitigation through combating segregation of expertise" KBBE.2010.2.4-01 (funding scheme: Improving integration in food safety).

ARTISANAL FOODS (2019-2023): “Innovative Bio-interventions and Risk Modelling Approaches for Ensuring Microbial Safety and Quality of Mediterranean Artisanal Fermented Foods.”. PRIMA call, GSRT_EU (Horizon) ANR, France.

«Food related European Education in the digital era to Motivate Innovative New-product Development». ERARMUS plus. Call 2019 Round 1, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education. 01/09/19-31/08/22.


National projects

1)            Microbiological safety of dairy products (coordinator) 2006-2008. National Scientific Research Foundation.

2)            Microbiological safety of red meat and ready-to-cook meat products and extension of their shelf-life with edible films and natural antimicrobials-ΤΡΟΦΑΝΤΟ. 2011-2013..

3)            Identification of biological and chemical indices for characterization of freshness of rapidly frozen seafood (coordinator) 2012-2015. Συνεργασία με ΚΑΛΛΙΜΑΝΗΣ Α.Ε. National Scientific Research Foundation.

4)            Biological Investigation Of the Forces that Influence the Life of pathogens having as Mission to Survive in various Lifestyles; BIOFILMS  “THALES” 2011-2015.

5)            Development, mathematical modeling and optimal design of non-thermal technologies for processing, packaging, distribution and storage of safe high quality food products  “THALES” 2011-2015.

6)            Αποτελεσματικότητα καινοτόμων αναλυτικών τεχνικών στην πρόβλεψη της ποιότητας και της ασφάλειας νέων ευαλλοίωτων τροφίμων- NOVEL-EYE. 2013-2015 (11ΣΥΝ_2_1528).

7)            "T1EDK-03177 - NOVO-MEAT: Novel design and application of state-of-the art technologies for the development of new generation meat products using olive oil for microbial stability and optimized nutritional and quality characteristics". 2019-2022.

8)            "T1-01106 - ePLATON: Development of digital platform of microbiological, chemical and multispectral data for food quality and safety". Operational Program 2014-2010, Competitiveness, Research and Innovation. 2018-2021.

9)            "T1-05339 - GreenBread: Development of novel bakery products with improved sensory properties and higher shelf life, using microorganisms of technological interest". Operational Program 2014-2010, Competitiveness, Research and Innovation. 2018-2021.

10)          “T1-02735 - ΒΙΟΣΤΡΟΦΗ: Exploitation of pasta-industry by-products for production of biodegredable biopolymers for application of active packaging of foods".  Operational Program 2014-2010, Competitiveness, Research and Innovation. 2018-2021.

11)          “T1-00968, BIOTRUST: Development of functional dairy products by taking advantage of their microbial diversity and manipulating the fermentation based on natural microbial ecology Operational Program 2014-2010, Competitiveness, Research and Innovation. 2018-2021.

12)          “Τ1ΕΔΚ-02087 – Cheeseart: Improvement of the added value and competitiveness of the Greek artisanal cheeses by exploiting the multi-omics approach and bioinformatics tools” Operational Program 2014-2010, Competitiveness, Research and Innovation. 2018-2021.

13)          Τ2ΕΔΚ-04175 - OLED_Lumin_FoodPack Ανάπτυξη καινοτόμου έξυπνης συσκευασίας επιτόπιας-μη καταστρεπτικής αποτίμησης ποιότητας τροφίμων με εφαρμογή οργανικής φωτονικής στο υλικό συσκευασίας». ΕΥΔΕ ΕΤΑΚ. 2020-2022.

14)          «Integration of experimental investigation and computational modeling to decipher dormancy related stochastic phenomena in Listeria monocytogenes (LAVA)» 2018-2021.

15)          “Intelligent food packaging implementing Organic Photonics for Food Quality Monitoring (iPhoto-Pack)”. In collaboration with National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”.


Private Projects

1)            Εκτίμηση και αριστοποίηση μικροβιακής ποιότητας κρέατος και κρεατοσκευασμάτων με χρήση ΤΡοποποιημένων ατμΟσφαιρών και Φυσικών ΑΝΤιμικρΟβιακών – ΤΡΟΦΑΝΤΟ. ΦΛΩΡΙΔΗΣ ΑΕΒΕΚ

3)            Προσδιορισμός εμπορικού χρόνου ζωής αρτοσκευασμάτων με γέμιση (“Kings Brioche”) και αποτύπωση της υγιεινολογικής κατάστασης των εγκαταστάσεων παραγωγής των ανωτέρω προϊόντων. ELBISCO ΑΒΕΕ.

4)            Ανάπτυξη νέων προϊόντων (υγιεινών σνακ) και μελέτη διατηρησιμότητάς τους. Χρηματοδοτούμενο από ΓΑΙΑ Τρόφιμα ΑΒΕΕ (GAEA).

5)            «Μικροβιακές αναλύσεις και προσδιορισμός χρόνου ζωής προϊόντων» ΦΛΩΡΙΔΗΣ  ΑΕΒΕΚ,  2016-σήμερα.

6)            «Ανάπτυξη προϊόντων πράσινης ετικέττας», Creta Farms.

7)            «Εμπορικός χρόνος ζωής και αποτίμηση υγιεινής προϊόντων ELBISCO».

8)            «Μελέτη μικροβιολογικής ασφάλειας νωπού χοιρινού γύρου υπό συνθήκες και πρακτικές έψησης σε εμπορική κλίμακα», ΣΕΒΕΚ.

9)            « Microbial challenge test in plant-dairy fruity products ». Coca Cola, Hellas.

10)          «Assessment of shelf life of plant-based dairy product». 22/01/19-31/01/2020. Επ. Υπεύθυνος. Χρηματοδότηση από Coca Cola, CCB Management Services GmbH.

11)          «CCH Microbiology training Courses: drafting and teaching (via TEAMS webinars) educational material on food quality and safety». Coca Cola, CCB Management Services GmbH.

12)          «Εκχώρηση άδειας παραγωγής προϊόντος ‘Carobites’ (βραβευμένο προϊόν ECOTROPHELIA EUROPE 2014) στην Creta Carob», Creta Carob.