Research Programs
- Ecofriendly multipurpose biobased products from municipal biowaste (LIFE EBP), Project granted by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) LIFE Environmental and Resource Efficiency, LIFE19 ENV/IT/000004. 2020-2024. (A. Koutinas).
- Enhancing diversity in Mediterranean cereal farming systems (CerealMed), PRIMA, Call: Multi-topic 2019, General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), 2020-2023. (A. Koutinas).
- ICHTHYS: OptImization of novel value CHains for fish and seafood by developing an integraTed sustainable approacH for improved qualitY, safety and waSte reduction. MSCA-RISE-2019 (2020-2023) (Th.Tsironi).
- FRUALGAE: Sustainable technologies and methodologies to improve quality and extend product shelf life in the Mediterranean agro-food supply chain. PRIMA-2019 (2020-2023) (Th.Tsironi).
- Production of sustainable biofuels and value-added products from municipal organic solid wastes of catering services (Brew2Bio, MIS 5071807), Research-Create-Innovate, GSRT, 2020-2023. (A. Koutinas).
- Valorization of sugar-beet cultivation residues and by-products of sugar manufacturing process for the production of bio-based and biocomposite biodegradable packaging materials (Beet2Bioref, MIS 5069983), Research-Create-Innovate, GSRT, 2020-2023. (A. Koutinas).
- Development of innovative nanocellulose-reinforced composite wood products with advanced hydrophobic and antimicrobial properties (CELL4GLUE, MIS 5056216), GSRT, 2020-2023. (A. Koutinas).
- Development and demonstration of key technologies for industrializable polyhydroxyalkanoates production from industrial and environmental waste streams (WASTES2PLASTICS, Τ7ΔΚΙ-00100), China – Greece Bilateral R&D Cooperation, GSRT, 2019-2022. (A. Koutinas).
- Establishment of a pan-european network on the sustainable valorisation of lignin (LignoCOST) (COST Action CA17128). 2018-2022. (A. Koutinas).
- Exploitation of cactus pear fruit and leaves focusing on innovative food applications Opuntia to new product development «ΕΡΕΥΝΩ – ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΩ – ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΩ», co-funded by EPANEK in the frame of ESPA2014-2020, total budget: 460.000 € (2018-2021) (Ι. Mantala).
- State Scholarship “Reinforcement of Postdoctoral Researchers - 2nd Cycle” (MIS-5033021), implemented by the State Scholarships Foundation (ΙΚΥ) for the project “Exploitation of Greek wheat landraces for value added bread and pasta development” Mentor of Dr. Styliani Protonotariou (Ι. Mantala).
- Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (NSRF 2014-2020), Research Infrastructure on Food Bioprocessing Development and Innovation Exploitation – Acronym: FOOD INNOVATION R (2018-2021) (Ι. Mantala, A.Koutinas).
- Exploitation of food industry by-products for the production of biogenic biodegradable active food packaging (ΒΙΟΣΤΡΟΦΗ), Research-Create-Innovate, GSRT, 2018-2021. (A. Koutinas).
- Bioconversion of food industry wastes to biopolymers for packaging applications in a biorefinery concept (Wastes-to-Biopolymers), Research-Create-Innovate, GSRT, 2018-2021. (A. Koutinas).
- Research Infrastructure for Waste Valorization and Sustainable Management of Resources (INVALOR) Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (NSRF 2014-2020), 2017-2021. (A. Koutinas).
- Chemical building blocks from versatile MSW biorefinery (PERCAL), Grant Agreement Nº 745828, Horizon 2020 / BBI-JU, 2017-2020. (A. Koutinas).
- Sustainability transition assessment and research of bio-based products (STAR-ProBio), Grant Agreement Nº 727740, Horizon 2020, 2017-2020. (A. Koutinas).
- Biogas and digestate with controlled ammonia content by a virtuous biowaste cycle with integrated biochemical processes (LIFECAB), Project granted by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) LIFE Environmental and Resource Efficiency, LIFE16 ENV/IT/000179, 2017-2020. (A. Koutinas).
- Development of an integrated strategy for reducing the carbon footprint in the food industry sector (LIFE FOODPRINT), LIFE13 ENV/GR/000958, 2014-2017. (A. Koutinas).
- Materials, Physical and Nanosciences COST Action MP1206. Substitute Management committee member for Greece, MC Chair:Dr.E. Kny, (2013-2017) (Ι. Mantala).
- Food waste valorization for sustainable chemicals, materials & fuels (EUBis) (FA Cost Action TD1203), 2013-2016. (A. Koutinas).
- Novel formulations and nanostructures for enhancing the bioavaiability of a bioactive compound. The case of emulsion production’’NONASTRU’’, budget (AUA): 405000€, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, ‘’SYNERGASIA 2011’’, co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources (GSRT), 2013-2015 (Ι. Mantala).
- New tailor-made biopolymers produced from lignocellulosic sugars waste for highly demanding fire-resistant applications (BRIGIT), Grant Agreement nº: KBBE-2012-6-311935. 2012-2016. (A. Koutinas).
- High energy jet milling in order to produce fine flour powders & bakery products with enhanced functional and nutritional characteristics ’’LEA’’,budget (AUA): 160000€, General Secretariat for Research and technology, Project coordinator: Dr. I. Mandala, Scientific supervisor: Dr. C. Biliaderis, (GSRT), 2011-2014. (Ι. Mantala).
- Valorization of cheese dairy and winery wastes for the production of high added-value products (19SMEs2009), GSRT, 2011 – 2014. (Α. Koutinas).
- Development of novel bioprocesses for the production of biofuels from food industry waste streams (Nutri-Fuel, 09SYN-32-621), GSRT, 2011 – 2014. (Α. Koutinas).
- Biorefinery development for the production of biodegradable polymers and value-added products from by-products of biodiesel production processes (Bioref, 09SYN-81-715), GSRT, 2011 – 2014. (Α. Koutinas).
- Integral optimization of the biodiesel production process – “Optimización integral del proceso de producción de biodiesel” (Ref: TEP-4994, Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise, Junta of Andalucía, Spain), 2011 – 2014. (Α. Koutinas).
- Production of macro- and mini/nano-emulsions using various emulsifiers/stabilizers and development of new tastes from plants’ and nuts’ extractions. ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ ΙΙ, 2010-2013. (S. Yanniotis).
- The application of fundamental food-structure-property relationships to the design of foods for health, wellness and pleasure, (Cost action), EU, 2010-2013. (Ι. Mantala).
- Gluten-free carob containing bakery products with high protein and dietary fibre content, DESMI Cyprus., ΙΠΕ, 2009-2010. (Ι. Mantala)
- Determination and study of alternative sweeteners in the group of soluble fibers of high dietary value – Application in confectionery products, Total budget: 12.000€, ELKE AUA financial support (scholarship) for young researchers, scientific supervisor: Dr. I. Mandala, 2009-2011 (Ι. Mantala).
- Study of the industrial continuous flow oven. Co-operation with the company: Ι.Ε. Papadopoulos S.A, 2009-2010. (S. Yanniotis).
- Integrating Safety and Environmental Knowledge Into Food Studies towards European Sustainable Development, ISEKI Food 3-Mundus 2, EU, 2009-2011. (S. Yanniotis).
- Οργανοληπτικός έλεγχος σε διαφορετικούς τύπους μπισκότων (ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ Α.Ε. στα πλαίσια στου φεστιβάλ καινοτομίας- ΓΓΕΤ), 2008. (Ι. Mantala).
- The problem of aflatoxin contamination of the pistachios produced in Aegina island. Perfecture of Pireaus, 2008-2009. (S. Yanniotis).
- Investigation of allergic effect of proteins from Greek and Cypriot Carob varieties (Ceratonia siliqua) with the aim to incorporate them in gluten-free bakery products, Greek-Cypriot bilateral collaboration, total budget:12000€, main researcher (young researcher from AUA), scientific supervisor: Dr. M. Papageorgiou, (GSRT), 2007-2009. (Ι. Mantala).
- Design of roadmap for the development of functional and organic products, Technology Transfer Centre of Peloponnese (Program Netforce), total budget:5000€, member of the research team: Dr. Ι. Μandala, 2007 (Ι. Mantala).
- Development of new products of high nutritional value, Festival of Science & Technology. Competitiveness & Entrepreneurship Business Program, (ΕΠΑΝ ΙΙ), 2007-2013. (I. Mantala).
- Problems during the production and processing of the pistachio nuts of the variety “Aegina”. Perfecture of Pireaus, 2006-2007. (S. Yanniotis).
- Optimization on the cold-storage conditions of fresh peaches, GSRT (Co-operation Greece - China), 2003 - 2005. (P. Rodis).
- Tensile strength on pharmaceutical stickers. Quality control based on standard values. Co-operation with the company Lavipharm, 1999. (A. Kostaropoulos).
- Development and optimization of a new process for desalination of sea water by means of solar energy, INCO, EU, 1998-2002. (S. Yanniotis).
- Quality evaluation of low-fat cakes (color, texture, density, organoleptic control) produced with various margarines. Co-operation with the company ΕΛΑΪΣ (ELAIS), 1998. (A. Kostaropoulos).
- Optical/engineering properties and defects of the bake-rolls products. Cooperation with the company Chipita, 1998. (A. Kostaropoulos).
- Development of new products containing raisins (bakery, dairy products) highlighting their quality advantages. Organoleptic control, marketing, and promotion. (GSRT) 1997-2000. (A. Kostaropoulos).
- Construction of a database of physical properties of foods» (FAIR-Project) EU, 1997-1999, (A. Kostaropoulos).
- Comparative study on quality of toast (color homogeneity, porosity, texture). Cooperation with the company Ι.Ε. PAPADOPOULOS SA, 1997. (A. Kostaropoulos).
- Post-harvest measures enhancing the quality and added value of raisins on the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of the product. EU 1993-1997, ΠΕΝΕΔ, GSRT, 1997-1999. (A. Kostaropoulos).
- Shelf-life prediction for improved safety and quality of foods» (Copernicus project), ΕU, 1996-1998. (A. Kostaropoulos).
- Improvement of olive oil quality with biotechnological means. EU, 1995 - 1999. (P. Rodis).
- Improvement of multifunctional heat exchangers applied in industrial processes, JOULE IΙΙ, EU, 1994-1996. (S. Yanniotis).
- The (Bio) Chemistry and Archestructure of Fruit and Vegetable Tissue as Quality Predictors for Optimizing Storage and Processing Regimes: Basic Research Leading to Applicable Models and Rules. EU, 1993-1996. (P. Rodis).
- Process intensification for energy saving, JOULE ΙΙ, EU, 1992-1994. (S. Yanniotis).
- Study of the diffusion of NaCl solution in “FETA” cheese. ΠΕΝΕΔ (GSRT), 1991-1993. (S. Yanniotis).
- Enhanced evaporation heat transfer surfaces, JOULE, EU, 1990-1992. (S. Yanniotis).
- Research and application of biotechnological methods for the production of high added-value products utilizing agricultural and agro-industrial by-products. ΜΟΠ Region of Attica, 1989 - 1992. (P. Rodis).
- Absorption-Driven Multiple Effect Evaporator, EU, 1987-1990. (S. Yanniotis).
- Study on the condensation of hygroscopic solutions with the aim of energy saving during food processing. GSRT, 1985-1987. (S. Yanniotis).
EXTERNAL FUNDING (e.g. companies, industry)
- Private funding by the American Process International LLC company for the development of a bio-processed genetically modified yeast in semi-cellular hydrosulution. (Α. Koutinas).
- Special Visiting Researcher Fellowship (Pesquisador Visitante Especial in Portuguese) funded by the Brazilian Scientific Mobility Programme "Ciências sem Fronteiras", Process number: 313772/2013-4, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (CNPq/MCTI). Coordinator: Professor Denise Maria Guimarães Freire (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). 2014-2017. (A. Koutinas).
- Production of hydrolase enzymes and bifunctional monomers (1,3-PDO, 2,3-BDO and fumaric acid) in order to produce petrochemicals (project funded by Petrobras, Brazil). Coordinator: Professor Denise Maria Guimarães Freire (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), AUA participated as subcontractor of the UFRJ. 2013-2018. (A. Koutinas).