
Βιβλία – Επιστημονική Επιμέλεια

  1. Κλινική Διατροφή με στοιχεία Παθολογίας. Β Έκδοση (Υπό έκδοση, Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδης).
  2. Διατροφή στα στάδια της ζωής. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδη, 2018.
  3. Nutrition in Public Health, Principles, Policies, and Practice. Spark A (ed). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (Publ Co) (Επιμέλεια Ελληνικής Έκδοσης, 2018)
  4. Nutrition Research Methodologies. Lovegrove JA., Hodson L., Sharma S. and Lanham-New SA (eds). Wiley Blackwell (Publ Co). 2015 (Επιμέλεια Ελληνικής Έκδοσης, 2018)
  5. Nutrition Education. Contento IR (ed). Jones & Bartlett Learning (Publ Co), 2016 (Επιμέλεια Ελληνικής Έκδοσης, 2018)
  6. Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism. Bender DA (ed). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (Publ Co), 2014 (Επιμέλεια Ελληνικής Έκδοσης, 2019)
  7. Nutritional Epidemiology. Willett W (Επιμέλεια Ελληνικής Έκδοσης (2021)
  8. Brady J. Introduction to Food Chemistry (Επιμέλεια Ελληνικής Έκδοσης, 2020)
  9. «Το αλφαβητάρι της διατροφής», Fourth Edition, by A. Stewart Truswell. Broken Hill Publishers LTD, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  10. “Συμβουλευτική της Διατροφής και Ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων Διατροφικής Αγωγής”, Bauer K.D., Liou D. ISBN: 9789925588909. Cencage 2022
  11. «Ψυχολογία της Διατροφής», Ogden J. ISBN: 9789925588992. Broken Hill 2022.
  12. Βιοστατιστική των Επιστημών Βιολογίας και Υγείας. Triola M. Marc, Triola F. Mario, Roy Jason. BROKEN HILL. 2021. ISBN: 9789925576289
  13. Κλινική Διατροφή στην Πράξη. Εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου, 2017.
  14. Assitenza Nutricionale per Adulti con Malattia Renale Cronica. Una Guida per la Practica Clinica (EDTNA/ERCA, Switzerland 2014) ISBN: 978-84-617-0568-9
  15. Nutritional Care for adults with Chronic Kidney Disease. (EDTNA/ERCA, Switzerland 2012) ISBN: 978-84-615-9448-1
  16. Clinical Nutrition in Practice. Wiley Blackwell, 2010.
  17. Sports and Exercise Nutrition. McArdle WD, Katch FI, Katch VL (eds). Walters Kluwer / Lippincott Williamas & Wilikins (Publ Co), 2013. Επιμέλεια Ελληνικής Έκδοσης (2008)
  18. «Κλινική Διατροφή με στοιχεία Παθολογίας. Α έκδοση. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδης, 2007.
  19. Gibney MJ, Roche H, Nutrition and Metabolism. Blackwell 2005.
  20. Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Jameson JL. Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine. 16th Edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc 2005. Eπιστημονική Επιμέλεια Μετάφρασης Μέρους IV (Διατροφή), 2005.
  21. Biesalski HK, Grimm P.  Pocket Atlas of Nutrition. Thieme Publishing Co. 2002.  (Επιμέλεια Ελληνικής Έκδοσης (2008)
  22. Healthy Eating for Kids. Bean A. Ellinika Grammata, 2002; ISBN: 978-960-442-912-7.
  23. ABC in Nutrition. Truswell S. BMJ Publishing Group, 2003.

Παρατίθενται δημοσιεύσεις σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές, των μελών του εργαστηρίου από το διορισμό τους στο Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο μέχρι σήμερα, καθώς και κεφάλαια βιβλίων τα οποία έχουν συγγράψει

Ζαμπέλας Αντώνης

  1. Zampelas A. Invited Commentary. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from highly concentrated n-3 fatty acid ethyl esters is incorporated into advanced atherosclerotic plaques and higher plaque EPA is associated with decreased plaque inflammation and increased stability. Atherosclerosis 2010;212:34-5 (IF 5.16)
  2. Kosti RI, Panagiotakos DB, Zampelas A. Ready-to-eat cereals and the burden of obesity in the context of their nutritional contribution: are all ready-to-eat cereals equally healthy? A systematic review. Nutr Res Rev 2010;23:314-22 (IF 7.80)
  3. Mazaraki Α, Tsioufis C, Dimitriadis K, Tsiachris D, Stefanadi E, Zampelas A, Richter D, Mariolis A, Panagiotakos D, Tousoulis D, Stefanadis C. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and albuminuria levels in Greek Adolescents: Data from the Leontio Lyceum ALbuminuria (3L Study). Eur J Clin Nutr 2011;65:219-25 (ΙF 4.02)
  4. Sialvera TE, Pounis GD, Koutelidakis AE, Richter DJ, Yfanti G, Kapsokefalou M, Goumas G, Chiotinis N, Diamantopoulos E, Zampelas A. Phytosterols supplementation decreases plasma small and dense LDL levels in metabolic syndrome patients on a westernized type diet. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2012:22:843-8 (ΙF 4.22)
  5. Poulia KA, Panagiotakos DB, Tourlede E, Rezou A, Stamatiadis D, Zampelas A. Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation does not affect serum lipids in chronic haemodialysis patients. J Renal Nutr 2011:21:479-84 (IF 3.65)
  6. Magriplis E, Pounis GD, Farajian P, Risvas G, Panagiotakos DB, Zampelas A. Identification of “hidden” sodium food sources within total daily sodium intake in children: the Greek of Childhood Obesity (GRECO) study. Journal of Hypertension 2011:29:1069-76. (IF 4.84)
  7. Farajian P, Risvas G, Karasouli K, Pounis GD, Kastorini CM, Panagiotakos DB, Zampelas A. Very high childhood obesity prevalence and low adherence rates to the Mediterranean diet in Greek children: the GRECO study. Atherosclerosis 2011;217:525-30 (IF 4.25) Zampelas A. Zinc supplementation: another myth or we are heading towards a new era in the treatment of diabetes? Atherosclerosis 2011;219:22-3.  (IF 5.16)
  8. Malisova O, Bountziouka V, Panagiotakos DB, Zampelas A, Kapsokefalou M. The water balance questionnaire: design, reliability and validity of a questionnaire to evaluate water balance in the general population. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012;63:138-44. (IF 3.83)
  9. Critselis E, Panagiotakos DB, Machairas A, Zampelas A, Critselis AN, Polychronopoulos E. Postoperative hypoproteinemia in cancer patients following extensive abdominal surgery despite parenteral nutritional support. Nutr Cancer 2011;63:1021-8. (IF 2.90)
  10. Critselis E, Panagiotakos DB, Machairas A Zampelas A, Critselis AN, Polychronopoulos E. Extent of surgery among cancer patients is associated with postoperative serum protein changes and hypoproteinemia. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2012;63:208-15 (IF 3.83)
  11. Gamaletsou MN, Poulia KA, Karageorgou D, Yannakoulia M, Ziakas PD, Zampelas A, Sipsas NV. Nutritional risk as predictor for healthcare-associated infection among hospitalized elderly patients in the acute care setting. J Hosp Infect 2012;80:168-72. (IF 3.93)
  12. Poulia K.A., Yannakoulia M, Karageorgou D, Gamaletsou M, Panagiotakos DB, Sipsas N, Zampelas A. Evaluation of the efficacy of six nutritional screening tools to predict malnutrition in the elderly. Clin Nutr 2012;31:378-85. (IF 7.32)
  13. Kolomvotsou A, Rallidis RS, Moutzouris K, Lekakis J, Koutelidakis A, Efstathiou S, Nana-Anastasiou M, Zampelas A. Adherence to Mediterranean diet and close dietetic supervision increase antioxidant intake and plasma antioxidant capacity in subjects with abdominal obesity. Eur J Nutr 2013;52:37-48.  (IF 5.61)
  14. Farajian P, Risvas G, Pounis G, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Socio-demographic determinants of childhood obesity prevalence in Greece:  the Greek Study of Childhood Obesity (GRECO). Public Health Nutr 2013;16:240-7. (IF 4.02)
  15. Sialvera ΤΕ, Koutelidakis ΑΕ, Richter DJ, Yfanti G, Kapsokefalou M, Pounis GD, Goumas G, Diamantopoulos E, Zampelas A. Phytosterol supplementation does not affect plasma antioxidant capacity in patients with metabolic syndrome. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2013;64):21-7 (IF 3.83)
  16. Zampelas A. Still questioning the association between egg consumption and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Atherosclerosis 2012;224:318-9. (IF 5.16)
  17. Malisova O, Bountziouka V, Panagiotakos DΒ, Zampelas A, Kapsokefalou M. Evaluation of seasonality on total water intake, water loss and water balance in the general population in Greece. J Hum Nutr Diet 2013;26 Suppl 1:90-6. (IF 3.09)
  18. Koutelidakis AE, Rallidis L, Koniari K, Panagiotakos D, Komaitis M, Zampelas A, Anastasiou-Nana M, Kapsokefalou M. Effect of green tea on postprandial antioxidant capacity, serum lipids, C-reactive protein and glucose levels in patients with coronary artery disease. Eur J Nutr 2013  (IF 5.61)
  19. Risvas G, Papaioannou I, Panagiotakos DB, Farajian P, Bountziouka V, Zampelas A. Perinatal and family factors associated with preadolescence overweight/obesity in Greece: the GRECO study. J Epidemiol Glob Health. 2012 Sep;2(3):145-53 (IF 1.72)
  20. Andreou E, Hajigeorgiou P, Kyriakou K, Avraam T, Chappa G, Kallis P, Lazarou Ch, Philippou Ch, Christoforou C, Kokkinofta R, Dioghenous C, Savva S, Kafatos A, Zampelas A, Papandreou D. Risk factors of obesity in a cohort of 1001 Cypriot adults: An epidemiological study. Hippokratia 2012;16:256-60. (IF 0.47)
  21. Zampelas A. Nuts and not olive oil decrease small and dense LDL: results from the PREDIMED Study. Atherosclerosis 2013;231:59-60. (IF 5.16)
  22. Argyri K, Sotiropoulos A, Psarou E, Papazafiropoulou A, Zampelas A, Kapsokefalou M. Dessert formulation using sucralose and dextrin affects favorably postprandial response to glucose, insulin, and C-peptide in type 2 diabetic patients. Rev Diabet Stud 2013;10:39-48.
  23. Papakonstantinou E, Lambadiari V, Dimitriadis G, Zampelas A. Metabolic syndrome and cardiometabolic risk factors. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 2014,31;11:858-79. (IF 2.72)
  24. Zampelas A. From the Maastricht Meeting to the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus on phytosterols/phytostanols: what is new of an old story? Atherosclerosis 2014;233:357-8. (IF 5.16)
  25. Michas A, Micha R, Zampelas A. Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease; putting together the pieces of a complicated puzzle.  Atherosclerosis 2014;234:320-8. (IF 5.16)
  26. Farajian P, Panagiotakos DB, Risvas G, Malisova O, Zampelas A. Hierarchical analysis of dietary, lifestyle and family environment risk factors for childhood obesity: the GRECO study. Eur J Clin Nutr 2014;68:1107-12. (IF 4.02)
  27. Cook TL, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Maes L, Haerens L, Grammatikaki E, Widhalm K, Kwak L, Plada M, Moreno LA, Zampelas A, Tountas Y, Manios Y. Moderators of the effectiveness of a web-based tailored intervention promoting physical activity in adolescents: the HELENA Activ-O-Meter. J Sch Health. 2014;84:256-66. (IF 2.12)
  28. Malisova O, Protopappas A, Nyktari A, Bountziouka V, Antsaklis A, Zampelas A, Kapsokefalou M. Estimations of water balance after validating and administering the water balance questionnaire in pregnant women. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014;65:280-5. (IF 3.83)
  29. Andreou E, Papandreou D, Hajigeorgiou P, Rachaniotis N, Philippou C, Kyriakou K, Avraam T, Chappa G, Kallis P, Lazarou C, Christoforou C, Kokkinofta R, Dioghenous C, Zampelas A, Loizou L, Aletrari E. Non-HDL and triglycerides are independently associated with anthropometrical indices in a Cypriot population of healthy adults. Exp Clin Cardiol 2014;20: 3682-3691
  30. Koutelidakis AE, Rallidis L, Koniari K, Panagiotakos D, Komaitis M, Zampelas A, Anastasiou-Nana M, Kapsokefalou M. Effect of green tea on postprandial antioxidant capacity, serum lipids, C-reactive protein and glucose levels in patients with coronary artery disease. Eur J Nutr 2014;53:479-86. (IF 5.61)
  31. Cook TL, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Maes L, Haerens L, Grammatikaki E, Widhalm K, Kwak L, Plada M, Moreno LA, Tountas Y, Zampelas A, Manios Y. Psychosocial determinants and perceived environmental barriers as mediators of the effectiveness of a web-based tailored intervention promoting physical activity in adolescents: the HELENA Activ-O-Meter. J Phys Act Health 2014;11:741-51.  (IF 2.59)
  32. Farajian P, Panagiotakos DB, Risvas G, Micha R, Tsioufis C, Zampelas A. Dietary and lifestyle patterns in relation to high blood pressure in children: the GRECO study. J Hypertens. 2015;33:1174-81. (IF 4.84)
  33. Farajian PBountziouka VRisvas GPanagiotakos DBZampelas A. Anthropometric, lifestyle and parental characteristics associated with the prevalence of energy intake misreporting in children: the GRECO (Greek Childhood Obesity) study. Br J Nutr. 2015;113:1120-8. (IF 3.72)
  34. Malisova O, Bountziouka V, Zampelas A, Kapsokefalou M. Evaluation of drinks contribution to energy intake in summer and winter. Nutrients. 2015;7:3724-38. (IF 5.72)
  35. Magriplis E, Farajian P, Risvas G, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Newly derived Children based Food Index. An Index that may detect childhood overweight and obesity. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2015;66:623-32. (IF 3.83)
  36. Papakonstantinou E, Kechribari I, Sotirakoglou K, Tarantilis P, Gourdomichali T, Michas G, Kravvariti V, Voumvourakis K,  Zampelas A. Acute effects of coffee consumption on self-reported gastrointestinal symptoms, blood pressure and stress indices in healthy individuals. Nutr J 2016;15;15:26. doi: 10.1186/s12937-016-0146-0. (IF 3.27)
  37. Papakonstantinou E, Kechribari I, Mitrou P, Trakakis E, Vassiliadi D, Georgousopoulou E, Zampelas A, Kontogianni MD, Dimitriadis G. Effect of meal frequency on glucose and insulin levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomised trial. Eur J Clin Nutr  2016;70:588-94. (IF 4.02)
  38. Farajian P, Risvas G, Panagiotakos DB, Zampelas A. Food sources of free sugars in children’s diet and identification of lifestyle patterns associated with free sugars intake: the GRECO (Greek Childhood Obesity) study. Public Health Nutr 2016;19:2326-35 (IF 4.02)
  39. Rallidis RS, Kolomvotsou A, Lekakis J, Farajian P , Vamvakou G, Dagres N, Zolindaki M, Efstathiou S, Nana N, Zampelas A. The effect of the Meditarranean diet in close dietetic supervision on soluble cellular adhesion molecules in subjects with abdominal obesity. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2017;17:38-43.
  40. Andreou E, Papandreou D, Hajigeorgiou P, Kyriakou K, Avraam T, Chappa G, Kallis P, Lazarou C, Philippou C, Christoforou C, Kokkinofta R, Dioghenous C, Savva S, Kafatos A, Zampelas A. Type 2 diabetes and its correlates in a first nationwide study among Cypriot adults. Primary Care Diabetes 2017;11:112-118. (IF 2.46)
  41. Sialvera TE, Papadopoulou A, Efstathiou SP, Trautwein EA, Ras RT, Kollia N, Farajian P, Goumas G, Dimakopoulos I, Papavasiliou K, Koutsouri A, Zampelas A. Structured advice provided by a dietitian increases adherence of consumers to diet and lifestyle changes and lowers blood low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol: the Increasing Adherence of Consumers to Diet & Lifestyle Changes to Lower (LDL) Cholesterol (ACT) randomised controlled trial J Hum Nutr Diet. 2017; Sep 11. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12508. (IF 3.09)
  42. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults. Lancet. 2017;16;390(10113):2627-2642. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32129-3. (IF 79.32)
  43. Magriplis E, Farajian P, Panagiotakos DB, Risvas G, Zampelas A. Maternal smoking and risk of obesity in school children: Investigating early life theory from the GRECO study. Prev Med Rep 2017;8:177-182.
  44. Magriplis E, Farajian P, Risvas G, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. The relationship between behavioural factors, weight status and a dietary pattern in primary school aged children: the GRECO study. Clin Nutr 2018, pii: S0261-5614(18)30016-5. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.01.015 (IF 7.32)
  45. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to global trends and variations in raised blood pressure: a pooled analysis of 1,015 population-based measurement studies with 88.9 million participants. Int J Epidemiol 2018, doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy016 (IF 7.20)
  46. Philippou C, Papandreou D, Hadjigeorgiou P, Charidemou E, Georgaki E, Andreou C, Christoforou C, Kokkinofta R, Dioghenous C, Zampelas A, Andreou E. The association of physical activity to blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Clin Nutr ESPEN 2018;24:188-189.
  47. Magriplis E*, Dimakopoulos I*, Karageorgou D, Mitsopoulou AV, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Aims, design and preliminary findings of the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). * equally contributed. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019,20;19(1):37. doi: 10.1186/s12874-018-0655-y. (IF 4.61)
  48. Mitsopoulou AV, Magriplis E, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A.  Meal and snack patterns of Greek children and adolescents are associated with micronutrient intakes: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). J Human Nutr Diet 2019 doi: 10.1111/jhn.12639. (IF 3.09)
  49. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic. Nature 2019;569(7755):260-264. (IF 49.97).
  50. Varagiannis P, Magriplis E, Risvas G, Vamvouka K, Nisianaki A, Papageorgiou A, Pervanidou P, Chrousos G, Zampelas A. Validity of a food frequency and dietary habits questionnaire for overweight and obese children: the 4yourfamily study. Nutrition Today 2019; 54:151-158
  51.  Karageorgou D, Magriplis E, Mitsopoulou AV, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Dietary patterns in Greek adults, lifestyle quality and mental health: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Public Health 2019;171:76-88 (IF 2.43)
  52. Magriplis E, Sialvera TE, Papadopoulou A, Efstathiou SP, Trautwein EA, Goumas G, Dimakopoulos I, Papavasiliou K, Koutsouri A, Zampelas A. Effectiveness and easiness of adherence to behavioural guidelines for diet and lifestyle changes for cholesterol-lowering: The Increasing Adherence of Consumers to Diet & Lifestyle Changes to Lower (LDL) Cholesterol (ACT) randomised controlled trial. J Human Nutr Diet 2019 May 27. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12667. (IF 3.09)
  53. Zampelas A. & Magriplis E. Dietary patterns in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: A review of the evidence. Proc Nutr Soc 2019 Jun 28:1-8. doi: 10.1017/S0029665119000946. (IF 6.30)
  54. Magriplis E, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Mitsopoulou AV, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Egg consumption in association with dyslipidemias and cardiovascular disease: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutrients 2019;11(5). pii: E1105. doi: 10.3390/nu11051105 (IF 5.72)
  55. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos D, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Chourdakis M, Chrousos GP, Roma E, Zampelas A. Prevalence of dyslipidemia in adults and its relation to the Mediterranean Diet: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Eur J Prev Cardiol 2019; Jul 26:2047487319866023. doi: 10.1177/2047487319866023 (IF 7.80)
  56. Zampelas A, Magriplis E. New insights in cholesterol functions. A friend or an enemy? Nutrients 2019;11(7). pii: E1645. doi: 10.3390/nu11071645 (IF 5.72)
  57. Al Haddad A, Ali N, Elbarazi I, Elabadlah H, Al-Maskari F, Narchi H, Brabon C, Ghazal-Aswad S, AlShalabi FM, Zampelas A, Loney T, Blair I, Ahmed LA. Mutaba’ah-Mother and Child Health Study: protocol for a prospective cohort study investigating the maternal and early life determinants of infant, child, adolescent and maternal health in the United Arab Emirtes. BMJ Open. 2019;9(8):e030937. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030937. (IF 2.69)
  58. Papandreou D, Magriplis E, Abboud M, Taha Z, Karavolia E, Karavolias C, Zampelas A. Consumption of Raw Orange, 100% Fresh Orange Juice, and Nectar-Sweetened Orange juice; Effects on blood glucose and insulin levels. Nutrients 2019;11:2171 (IF 5.72)
  59. Dimakopoulos I, Magriplis E, Karageorgou D, Mitsopoulou AV, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Vitamin D status of the Greek population in relation to food, supplements and sunlight exposure: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2019; 34:23-31.
  60. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos D, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Chourdakis M, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Zampelas A.  Hypertension prevalence, status and awareness, in adults: The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Hel J Cardiol 2019; doi: 10.1016/j.hjc.2019.10.013 (IF 4.05).
  61. Karageorgou D, Magriplis E, Mitsopoulou AV, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A.  Dietary patterns and their associations with cardiovascular disease in Greece: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2020; 30(2):201-213 (IF 4.22)
  62. Zampelas A. The Effects of Soy and its Components on Risk Factors and End Points of Cardiovascular Diseases. Nutrients 2020;11:2621 (IF 5.72)
  63. Mitsopoulou AV, Magriplis E, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A.  Micronutrient intakes and their food sources among children and adolescents in Greece: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Public Health Nutr 2020; doi: 10.1017/S136898001900449X (IF 4.02)
  64. Dimakopoulos I, Magriplis E, Mitsopoulou A-V, Karageorgou D, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Chourdakis M, Chrousos GP, Roma E, Panagiotakos DB, Zampelas A. Intake and contribution of food groups to vitamin D intake in a representative sample of the adult Greek population. Nutrition 2020; doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2019.11064 (IF 4.01)
  65. Katsouri E, Magriplis E, Zampelas A, Nychas GJ, Drosinos E. Nutritional aspects of pre-packed feta cheese in Greece. Foods, 2020; 9:253 (IF 4.35)
  66. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos DB, Kyrou I, Tsioufis C, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Chourdakis M, Micha R, Michas G, Ntouroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri K, Zampelas A. Presence of hypertension is modified by Mediterranean diet adherence in obese individuals.  The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutrients, 2020; 12:853 (IF 5.72)
  67. Panagiotakos DB, Magriplis E, Zampelas A. The re-calibrated HellenicSCORE based on newly derived risk factors from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS); the HellenicSCORE II. Hel J Cardiol 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.hjc.2020.03.006 (IF 4.05)
  68. NCD Risk Factor Collaborators (NCD-RisC). Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol. Nature, 2020; 582:73-77 (IF 49.96)
  69. Smiliotopoulos T, Magriplis E, Zampelas A. Validation of the self-reported food propensity questionnaire used in the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutrients 2020; 12(6):E1808 (IF 5.72)
  70. Varagiannis P, Magriplis E, Risvas G, Vamvouka K, Nisianaki A, Papageorgiou A, Pervanidou P, Chrousos GP, Zampelas A. Effects of three different family-based interventions in overweight and obese children: the “4 your family” randomized controlled trial. Nutrients. 2021, 13(2):341. doi: 10.3390/nu13020341 (IF 5.72)
  71. Katsouri E, Magriplis E, Zampelas A, Drosinos EH, Nychas GJ. Dietary intake assessment of pre-packed graviera cheese in Greece and nutritional characterization using the Nutri-Score front of pack label scheme. Nutrients. 2021 13(2):E295. doi: 10.3390/nu13020295. (IF 5.72)
  72. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos DB, Papakonstantinou E, Dimitriadis G, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Chourdakis M, Micha R, Michas G, Ntouroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri K, Zampelas A. Prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in a representative sample of Greek adults and its association with modifiable factors: Results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Public Health (in press) (IF 2.43)
  73. Mitsopoulou AV, Magriplis E, Michas G, Micha R, Chourdakis M, Chrousos GP, Roma E, Panagiotakos DB, Zampelas A. Micronutrient Intakes and their Food Sources among Greek Adults. J Human Nutr Diet (in press) (IF 3.09)
  74. Michas G, Magriplis E, Panagiotakos DB, Chourdakis M, Micha R, Filippatos G, Zampelas A. Heart failure prevalence and comorbidities among Greek adults: The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Hel J Cardiol (in press) (IF 4.05)
  75. NCD Risk factor collaborators. Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries: Pooled analysis of 2,086 population-based studies with 65 million participants. The Lancet in press (IF 79.32)
  76. Michas G, Magriplis E, Micha R, Chourdakis M, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Prevalence of depression among adults in Greece and its association with chronic disease states; The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). J Affect Dis (in press) (IF 4.84)
  77. Ismail LC, Osaili TM, Mohamad MN, Al Marzouqi A, Jarrar AH, Zampelas A, Habib-Mourad C, Abu Jamous DO, Ali HI, Al Sabbah H, Hasan H, Al Marzooqi LMR, Stojanovska L, Hashim M, Obaid RRS, Elfeky S, Saleh ST, Shawar ZAM, and Al Dhaheri AS. Assessment of Eating Habits and Lifestyle during Coronavirus Pandemic in the MENA region: A Cross-Sectional Study. Br J Nutr (in press) (IF 3.72)
  78. NCD Risk factor collaborators. Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight. eLife 2021 Mar 9;10:e60060. (IF 8.14)
  79. Magriplis E, Michas G, Petridi E, Chrousos GP, Roma E, Benetou V, Cholopoulos N, Micha R, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Dietary sugar intake and its association with obesity in children and adolescents. Children 2021 (IF 2.86)
  80. Kotopoulou S, Zampelas A, Magriplis E. "Dietary nitrates and nitrites and human health: a narrative review by intake source. Nutr Rev in press (IF 7.11)
  81. NCD Risk factor collaborators. Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. The Lancet in press (IF 79.32)
  82. Karatzi K,  Poulia K-A, Papakonstantinou E, Zampelas A. The Impact of Nutritional and Lifestyle Changes on BodyWeight, Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Children and Adolescents during the Pandemic of COVID-19: A Systematic Review. Children 2021 in press (IF 2.86)
  83. Moschonis G*, Magriplis E*, Zampelas A. *equally contributed. Novel Nutrition Education Approaches for Health Promotion: From Investigating Problems to Finding Solutions (editorial). Nutrients 2021 in press (IF 5.72).
  84. Katsouri E, Zampelas A, Drosinos EH, Nychas GJ. Labelling Assessment of Greek “Quality Label” Prepacked Cheeses as the Basis for a Branded Food Composition Database. Nutrients 2022; 14:230. (IF 5.72).
  85. Zampelas A. Nutritional habits and recommendations in the COVID-19 era (editorial). Nutrients 2022 in press (IF 5.72).
  86. Magriplis E, Marakis G, Kotopoulou S, Naska A. Michas G, Micha R, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Trans Fatty Acid intake increases likelihood of dyslipidemia especially among individuals with higher saturated fat consumption. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine; In press. IF (2.93).

Κεφάλαια σε βιβλία

  1. Farajian P & Zampelas A. Mediterranean Diet and Dietary sodium intake. In Diet Quality: An Evidence-Based Approach, Volume 1, Nutrition and Health. Springer. V.R. Preedy et al. (eds.). 2013
  2. Farajian P & Zampelas A. Mediterranean Diet in Children and Adolescents. In: The Mediterranean Diet: An Evidence-Based Approach To Disease Prevention. Elsevier, London.  V.R. Preedy et al. (eds.). 2014 (in press)
  3. Karageorgou D & Zampelas A. Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Diseases. In: The Mediterranean Diet: An Evidence-Based Approach To Disease Prevention. Elsevier, London.  V.R. Preedy et al. (eds.). 2014
  4. Zampelas A & Dimakopoulos Y.  Antioxidants and Cardiovascular Diseases. In: “Antioxidants in Heath and Disease” Eds , A Zampelas & R. Micha, CRC Press, USA
  5. Bakogianni I, Karageorgou D, Al-Baloushi M, Zampelas A. HEAL for Heart Diseases: Integrative Prevention for Non-Communicable Diseases. In: “Healthful Eating As Lifestyle (HEAL)”. Anil S (ed). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA, 2017, pp 115-41.
  6. Magriplis E, Andreou E, Zampelas A. Mediterranean Diet: What it is and its effect on abdominal obesity. In: “Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of abdominal obesity”. Watson RR (ed). Elsevier 2018, pp 281-99.
  7. Magriplis E, Zampelas A. Mediterranean Diet in children and adolescents.  In: “Mediterranean Diet: an evidence based approach”. Preedy VR (ed). Elsevier (2nd edition) (in press)
  8. Magriplis E, Zampelas A. Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease: An Overview of Recent Evidence. In: “Mediterranean Diet: an evidence based approach”. Preedy VR (ed). Elsevier (2nd edition) (in press)

Παπακωνσταντίνου Αιμιλία

  1. Papakonstantinou Emilia, Manolopoulou Eugenia, Papamichalopoulos Argyris, Kounenidaki Chryssi, Mitrogeorgou Theodora, Georgalaki Marina, Tsakalidou Effie. Short-term effects of goat milk yogurt containing ACE-I peptides and two raisin varieties on energy intake, subjective appetite, blood pressure, and glycemic responses in healthy adults. Results from two randomized trials.
  2. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Marina Xaidara, Vassiliki Siopi, Marina Giannoglou, George Katsaros, Georgios Theodorou, Eirini Maratou, Kalliopi-Anna Poulia, George D. Dimitriadis, Panagiotis N. Skandamis. Effects of spaghetti differing in soluble fiber and protein content on glycemic responses in humans: a randomized clinical trial in healthy subjects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(3001):1-17l; DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19053001.
  3. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Christina Oikonomou, George Nychas, George D. Dimitriadis. Effects of diet, lifestyle, chrononutrition and alternative dietary interventions on postprandial glycemia and insulin resistance. (Review). Nutrients. 2022; 14(4):823; DOI: 10.3390/nu14040823.
  4. Kalliopi Karatzi, Kalliopi Anna Poulia, Emilia Papakonstantinou, Antonis Zampelas. The impact of nutritional and lifestyle changes on body weight, body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in children and adolescents during the pandemic of COVID-19: a Systematic Review. Children. 2021; 8(1130); DOI: 10.3390/children8121130.
  5. E. Magriplis, D. Panagiotakos, Emilia Papakonstantinou…A. Zampelas. Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a representative sample of Greek adults and its association with modifiable risk factors: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey. Public Health. 2021;197(18); DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2020.10.002.
  6. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Claire Papavasiliou, Chrysalleni Maouri…Meropi Kontogianni. Postprandial glucose response after the consumption of three mixed meals based on the carbohydrate counting method in adults with type 1 diabetes. A randomized crossover trial. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. 2019; DOI: 10.1016/j.clesp.2019.03.002.
  7. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Panagiotis Chaloulos, Katerina Papalexi, Ioanna Mandala. Effects of bran size and carob seed flour of optimized bread formulas on glycemic responses in humans: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Functional Foods. 2018; 46: 345-355.
  8. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Meropi D Kontogianni, Panayota Mitrou, Emanouella Magripli, Dimitra Vassiliadi, Tzortzis Nomikos, Vaia Lambadiari, Ekavi Georgousopoulou, George Dimitriadis. Effects of 6 vs 3 eucaloric meal patterns on glycaemic control and satiety in people with impaired glucose tolerance or overt type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial. Diabetes and Metabolism. 2018; 44: 226-234. 
  9. Theodora Gourdomichali and Emilia Papakonstantinou. Short-term effects of six Greek honey varieties on glycemic response. A randomized clinical trial in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2018; 72(12): 1709-1716.
  10. Kleopatra Papavasiliou and Emilia Papakonstantinou. Nutritional support and dietary interventions for women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Nutrition and dietary supplements. 2017; 9: 63-85.
  11. Εmilia Papakonstantinou, Nickolaos Orfanakos, Paul Farajian, Anastasia E. Kapetanakou, Ifigenia P. Makariti, Nikolaos Grivokostopoulos, Marie-Ann Ha, Panagiotis N. Skandamis. Short-term effects of a low glycemic index carob containing snack on energy intake, satiety and glycemic response in normal-weight, healthy adults. Results from two randomized-trials.  Nutrition. 2017; 42: 12-19.
  12. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Ioanna Kechribari, Kyriaki Sotirakoglou, Petros Tarantilis, Theodora Gourdomichali, George Michas, Vassiliki Kravvariti, Konstantinos Voumvourakis, Antonis Zampelas. Acute effects of coffee consumption on self-reported gastrointestinal symptoms, blood pressure and stress indices in healthy individuals. Nutrition J. 2016;15:26.
  13. Papakonstantinou Emilia, Kechribari I, Mitrou P, Trakakis E, Vassiliadi D, Georgousopoulou E, Zampelas A, Kontogianni MD, Dimitriadis G. Effect of meal frequency on glucose and insulin levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016;70(5):646.
  14. Mitrou P, Petsiou E, Papakonstantinou Emilia, Maratou E, Lambadiari V, Dimitriadis P, Spanoudi F, Raptis SA, Dimitriadis G. Vinegar consumption increases insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by the forearm muscle in humans with type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Res. 2015;2015:175204.
  15. Mitrou P, Petsiou E, Papakonstantinou Emilia, Maratou E, Lambadiari V, Dimitriadis P, Spanoudi F, Raptis SA, Dimitriadis G. The role of acetic acid on glucose and blood flow rates in the skeletal muscle in humans with impaired glucose tolerance. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2015;69:734-9.
  16. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Vaia Lambadiari, George Dimitriadis, Antonis Zampelas. Metabolic Syndrome and cardiometabolic risk factors. Current Vascular Pharmacology. 2013;11:858-79 (Review).
  17. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Despina Triantafillidou, Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, Anastasios Κoutsovasilis, Michalis Saliaris, Athanasios Manolis, Andreas Melidonis, Antonis Zampelas. A high protein, low fat diet is more effective at improving blood pressure and triglycerides in calorie – restricted obese individuals with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010;64:595-602.
  18. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Despina Triantafillidou, Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, Stella Iraklianou, Carolyn D. Berdanier, Antonis Zampelas. Protein content of single mixed meals does not influence glucose and insulin responses in obese individuals with or without type 2 diabetes. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2010;23:183-9.
  19. Mitrou P, Raptis AE, Lambadiari V, Boutati E, Petsiou E, Spanoudi F, Papakonstantinou E, Maratou E, Economopoulos T, Dimitriadis G, Raptis SA. Vinegar decreases postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2010;33:e27.
  20. Emilia Papakonstantinou & Antonis Zampelas. The effect of dietary protein intake on coronary heart disease risk factors. Review. Nutrition Bulletin. 2008;33:287-297. (Review).
  21. Legendre Ariadne, Papakonstantinou Emilia, Roy Marie-Claude, Richard Denis and Harris Ruth B.S. “Differences in Response to Corticotropin Releasing-Factor Following Short and Long-Term Consumption of a High Fat Diet.” Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007;293:R1076-85.
  22. Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, Natalia Tzima, Christos Pitsavos, Christina Chrysohoou, Emilia Papakonstantinou, Antonis Zampelas and Christodoulos Stefanadis. “The Relationship between Dietary Habits, Blood Glucose and Insulin Levels among People without Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes; The ATTICA Study.” Rev Diabetic Stud. 2005;2:208-215.
  23. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, Christos Pitsavos, Christina Chrysohoou, Antonis Zampelas, Yannis Skoumas, Christodoulos Stefanadis. Food Group Consumption and Glycemic Control in People With and Without Type 2 Diabetes; The ATTICA Study. Diabetes Care. 2005;28:2539-2540.
  24. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Demosthenes B. Panangiotakos and Antonis Zampelas. Mediterranean Diet and the Metabolic Syndrome: The Role of Protein. Current Nutrition and Food Science. 2005;1:287-294. (Review)
  25. 3. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Ryan DH, Harris RBS. Dietary Fish Oil Does Not Protect Rats Exposed to Restraint or Sleep Deprivation Stress. Physiology and Behavior. 2003;78:759-765.
  26. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Huth PJ, Flatt WP, Harris RBS. High levels of dietary calcium reduce digestibility of dietary fat and body fat content in rats. Obesity Research. 2003; 11:387-394.
  27. Emilia Papakonstantinou, Hargrove JL, Huang CL, Crawley CC, Canolty NL. Assessment of Perceptions of Nutrition Knowledge and Disease Using a Group Interactive System: The Perception Analyzer. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002; 102: 1663-1668.

Κεφάλαια σε βιβλία

  1. Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου & Σοφία Τσίτσου. «Μικρο- και μακροθρεπτικά συστατικά, ομάδες τροφίμων» στην επανέκδοση του συγγράμματος της Κλινικής Διατροφής που προορίζεται για τους προπτυχιακούς φοιτητές Ιατρικής και Ψυχολογίας του της Ιατρικής Σχολής, ΕΚΠΑ. 2022.
  2. Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου & Γεώργιος Δημητριάδης. «Διαιτητική Αντιμετώπιση και Σακχαρώδης Διαβήτης» στο βιβλίο «Κλινική Διαιτολογία & Διατροφή με Στοιχεία Παθολογίας», 2η Έκδοση. Επιμέλεια: Αντώνιος Ζαμπέλας,  Broken Hill Publishers LTD, Cyprus. 2022.
  3. Ιωάννα Κεχριμπάρη, Kλεοπάτρα Παπαβασιλείου, Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου, Μερόπη Κοντογιάννη «Διατροφή κατά την Ενήλικη Ζωή» στο βιβλίο «Διατροφή στα στάδια της ζωής». 2η Έκδοση. Επιμέλεια  Αντώνης Ζαμπέλας, Broken Hill Publishers LTD, Cyprus. 2017.
  4. Κλεοπάτρα Παπαβασιλείου, Θεοδώρα Γουρδομιχάλη, Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου. «Ενεργειακό ισοζύγιο, Άσκηση και Έλεγχος Βάρους» στο βιβλίο «Διατροφή στην Άσκηση & τη Σωματική Δραστηριότητα» των William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch & Victor L. Katch. Επιμέλεια Αντώνιος Ζαμπέλας. Broken Hill Publishers LTD, Cyprus. 2018.
  5. Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου. «Διατροφή και Ηπατικές Διαταραχές, στο βιβλίο «Αρχές Κλινικής Διατροφής και Διατροφικής Αντιμετώπισης» επιμέλεια Μιχάλης Κ. Χουρδάκης και Δημήτριος Α. Κούβελας, Εκδόσεις Ροτόντα, 2007, σ. 161-186.
  6. Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου, Μαρινέλλα Τζανέλλα, Κωνσταντίνα Κοφινά, Ξένια Μπόμποτα. «Διατροφική Αξιολόγηση Ασθενούς» στο βιβλίο «Κλινική Διαιτολογία και Διατροφή», επιμέλεια Αντώνιος Ζαμπέλας, Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Π. Χ. Πασχαλίδης ΕΠΕ. 2007, σ. 23-64.
  7. Carolyn D. Berdanier και Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου. «Εισαγωγή στη Γονιδιακή Διατροφή» στο βιβλίο «Κλινική Διαιτολογία και Διατροφή», επιμέλεια Αντώνιος Ζαμπέλας, Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Π. Χ. Πασχαλίδης ΕΠΕ. 2007, σ. 169-194.
  8. Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου Μετάφραση και επιμέλεια του κεφαλαίου «Nutrition and cancer prevention and management» στο «Κλινική Διαιτολογία και Διατροφή» επιμέλεια Αντώνιος Ζαμπέλας, Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Π. Χ. Πασχαλίδης ΕΠΕ. 2007, σ. 465-496.
  9. Αιμιλία Παπακωνσταντίνου. Συνεπιμέλεια και Μετάφραση 6 κεφαλαίων στο βιβλίο «Το αλφαβητάρι της διατροφής», Επιμέλεια Έκδοσης – Πρόλογος: Αντώνης Ζαμπέλας, Fourth Edition, by A. Stewart Truswell. Broken Hill Publishers LTD, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  10. Ali Habiba I, Papakonstantinou Emilia, Mesmoudi Najoua El. Diet and Carbohydrate Food Knowledge in Gestational Diabetes: Challenges and Opportunities for Lifestyle Interventions. In book “Nutrition and Diet in Maternal Diabetes: An Evidence-Based Approach”. Editors: Rajendram Rajkumar, Preedy Victor R and Patel Vinood B. Springer International Publishing. Human Press, Cham. 2018: Pp 413-427.
  • Σύμβουλος Συντακτικής Επιτροπής (ad hoc Reviewer) για το κεφάλαιο «Diet and Health» στο βιβλίο Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 9th Edition. West-Wadsworth, NY, U.S.A., 2001.
  • Σύμβουλος Συντακτικής Επιτροπής (ad hoc Reviewer) για το κεφάλαιο «Health and Hunger» στο βιβλίο Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 9th Edition. West-Wadsworth, NY, U.S.A., 2001.
  • Σύμβουλος Συντακτικής Επιτροπής (ad hoc Reviewer) για το κεφάλαιο «Nutrition and Diabetes Mellitus» στο βιβλίο Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 6th Edition, Whitney, Cataldo and Rolfes (επιμ) West-Wadsworth, NY, U.S.A., 2001
  • Σύμβουλος Συντακτικής Επιτροπής (ad hoc Reviewer) για το κεφάλαιο «Nutrition of the Heart, Blood Vessels and Lungs» στο βιβλίο Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 6th Edition, Whitney, Cataldo and Rolfes (επιμ) West-Wadsworth, NY, U.S.A., 2001

Καράτζη Καλλιόπη

  1. Christiana Tsirimiagkou, Kalliopi Karatzi, Antonios Argyris, Fotini Chalkidou, Vicky Tzelefa, Petros P. Sfikakis, Maria Yannakoulia, Athanase D. Protogerou. Reply to: "Levels of dietary sodium intake: diverging associations with arterial stiffness and atheromatosis. Concerns about the evidence review and methods" Hellenic J Cardiol. 2021; 19: S1109
  2. E. Basdeki, K. Karatzi, A. Protogerou. Commentary on “Lifestyle Interventions Reduce the Need for Guideline-Directed Antihypertensive Medication. Am J Hypertens, 2021; 34(10):1034-1036.
  3. Christiana Tsirimiagkou, Kalliopi Karatzi, Antonios Argyris, Eirini D. Basdeki, Panagiota Kaloudi, Mary Yannakoulia, Athanase D. Protogerou. Dietary sodium and cardiovascular morbidity/mortality:  A brief commentary on the “J-shape hypothesis”. Journal of Hypertension, 2021; 39(12):2335-2343.
  4. Vicky Tzelefa, Christiana Tsirimiagkou, Antonios Argyris, George Moschonis, George Perogiannakis, Maria Yannakoulia, Petros Sfikakis, Athanase D. Protogerou, Kalliopi Karatzi. Associations of dietary patterns with blood pressure and markers of subclinical arterial damage in adults with risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Public Health Nutr. 2021; 18:6075-6084.
  5. Eirini D. Basdeki, Anastasios Kollias, Panagiota Mitrou, Christiana Tsirimiagkou, Marios K. Georgakis, Antonios Chatzigeorgiou, Antonios Argyris, Kalliopi Karatzi, Yannis Manios, Petros P. Sfikakis and Athanase D. Protogerou. Does Sodium Intake Induce Systemic Inflammatory Response? A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Studies in Humans. Nutrients 2021;13 (8): 2632. 
  6. Christiana Tsirimiagkou, Eirini D. Basdeki, Anastasia Areti, Kyriazopoulou Korovesi, Christina Chairistanidou, Antonios Argyris, Kalliopi Karatzi, Athanase D. Protogerou. Habitual consumption of instant coffee is favorably associated with arterial stiffness but not with atheromatosis. Clin Nutr ESPEN, 2021; 45:363-368.
  7. Papamichael MM, Karaglani E, Karatzi K, Iotova V, Kivelä J, Cardon G, De Vylder F, Bazdarska Y, Dimova R, González-Gil EM, Flores-Barrantes P, Liatis S, Moreno L, Makrilakis K, Manios Y; Feel4Diabetes-Study Group. Contribution of home availability, parental child-feeding practices and health beliefs on children's sweets and salty snacks consumption in Europe: Feel4Diabetes-Study. Br J Nutr, 2021, 18;1-27.
  8. Christiana Tsirimiagkou, Kalliopi Karatzi, Eirini D. Basdeki, Antonios Α. Argyris, Theodore G. Papaioannou, Maria Yannakoulia, Athanase D. Protogerou. Estimation of dietary sodium: comparison- accuracy of available urinary and dietary methods and improvement of existing dietary methods. Public Health Nutrition 2021; 25:1-13.
  9. Christiana Tsirimiagkou, Antonios Argyris, Kalliopi Karatzi, Ntouska Konstantina, Petros P. Sfikakis, Athanase D. Protogerou. Dietary sugars and subclinical vascular damage. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 2021
  10. Karatzi K, Poulia KA, Papakonstantinou E, Zampelas A. The Impact of Nutritional and Lifestyle Changes on Body Weight, Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Children and Adolescents during the Pandemic of COVID-19: A Systematic Review. Children 2021 Dec 4;8(12):1130.
  11. Kyriaki Apergi, Kalliopi Karatzi, Christina Mauvrogiani, Samiah Shadid, Greet  Gardon, Flores-Barrantes ,Pilar De Miguel-Etayo, Luis A. Moreno, Yuliya Bazdarska, Tsvetalina Tankova, Violeta Iotova, Sándorné Radó,, Imre Rurik,, Konstantinos Makrilakis, Yannis Manios. Association between daily number of eating occasions with fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity in adults from families at high risk for type 2 diabetes in Europe: the Feel4Diabetes Study. Nutrition 2022; 95.
  12. Eirini D. Basdeki, Konstantina Koumi, Christiana Tsirimiagkou, Antonios Argyris, Stavri Chrysostomou, Petros P. Sfikakis, Athanase D. Protogerou, Kalliopi Karatzi. Late-Night Overeating or Low-Quality Food Choices Late at Night Are Associated with Subclinical Vascular Damage in Patients at Increased Cardiovascular Risk. Nutrients 2022, 14(3), 470.
  13. Chairistanidou C, Karatzi K, Karaglani E, Usheva N, Liatis S, Chakarova N, Mateo-Gallego R, Lamiquiz-Moneo I, Radó S, Antal E, Bíró É, Kivelä J, Wikström K, Iotova V, Cardon G, Makrilakis K, Manios Y. Diet quality in association to lipidaemic profile in adults of families at high-risk for type 2 diabetes in Europe: The Feel4Diabetes study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2022
  14. Aikaterini M Kontochristopoulou, Kalliopi Karatzi, Eva Karaglani, Greet Cardon, Jemina Kivelä, Katja Wikström, Violeta Iotova, Kaloyan Tsochev, Tsvetalina Tankova, Imre Rurik, Anett S Radone, Stavros Liatis, Konstantinos Makrilakis, Luis A Moreno, Yannis Manios. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle correlates of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in europe: The Feel4Diabetes study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis . 2022 Apr 2;S0939-4753(22)00141-7.
  15. Kiriaki Apergi, Kalliopi Karatzi, Kyriakos Reppas, Eva Karaglani, Natalya Usheva, Natalia Giménez-Legarre, Luis A Moreno, Roumyana Dimova, Emese Antal, Kivelä Jemina, Greet Cardon, Violeta Iotova, Yannis Manios, Konstantinos Makrilakis. Association of breakfast consumption frequency with fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity/b cells function (HOMA-IR) in adults from high-risk families for type 2 diabetes in Europe: the Feel4Diabetes Study. Eur J Clin Nutr 2022 May 25.
  16. Maria Michelle Papamichael, Kalliopi Karatzi, Christina Mavrogianni, Greet Cardon, Flore De Vylder, Violeta Iotova, Natalya Usheva, Tsvetalina Tankova, Esther M.González-Gil, Jemina Kivelä, Katja Wikström, Luis Moreno, Stavros Liatis, Konstantinos Makrilakis, Yannis Manios, Feel4Diabetes-Study Group. Socio-economic vulnerabilities and food intake in European children: The Feel4Diabetes Study. Nutrition, May 2022 (in press).
  17. Christina Chairistanidou, Kalliopi Karatzi, Eva Karaglani, Natalya Usheva, Stavros Liatis, Nevena Chakarova, Rocio Mateo-Gallego, Itziar Lamiquiz-Moneo, Sándorné Radó, Emese Antal, Éva Bíró, Jemina Kivelä, Katja Wikström, Violeta Iotova, Greet Cardon, Konstantinos Makrilakis, Yannis Manios. Reply to: “Interaction analysis is needed to reveal the effects of socioeconomic status on the association between diet quality and lipidemic profile” . Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 2022 (in press).
  18. Dimitra Zannidi , Kalliopi Karatzi , Eva Karaglani , Greet Cardon , Stavros Liatis , Konstantinos Makrilakis , Violeta Iotova , Kaloyan Tsochev , Nevyana Chakarova , Luis A. Moreno, Paloma Flores-Barrantes , Radó Sándor Istvánné , Imre Rurik, Jaana Lindström, Yannis Manios, on behalf of the Feel4Diabetes Study Group “Children’s food choices are highly dependent on patterns of parenting practices and food availability at home in families at high risk for type 2 diabetes in Europe. Cross-sectional results from the Feel4Diabetes-study”. J Hum Nutr Diet, 2022 (in press).

Κεφάλαια σε βιβλία

  1. «Κλινική Διαιτολογία και Διατροφή, με στοιχεία παθολογίας», εκδόσεις Π. Χ. Πασχαλίδη (υπό έκδοση) Κο Α. Ζαμπέλα. Συγγραφέας σε 2 κεφάλαια: Καρδιακή ανεπάρκεια κα μεταμόσχευση καρδιάς, Αρθρίτιδα-Χρόνια ρευματικά νοσήματα.
  2. «Εγχειρίδιο Κλινικής Διατροφής» στα πλαίσια του έργου «Ελληνικά Ακαδημαϊκά Ηλεκτρονικά Συγγράμματα και Βοηθήματα» (MIS 374878, 2015) Μ. Κοντογιάννη.
  3. «Κλινική Διαιτολογία και Διατροφή, με στοιχεία παθολογίας», εκδόσεις Π. Χ. Πασχαλίδη (2007) Α. Ζαμπέλα. Συγγραφέας στο κεφάλαιο «Υπέρταση».
  4. «Antioxidants: New Research», Nova Science Publishers, NY που είναι υπό έκδοση στο κεφάλαιο με τίτλο: «Antioxidants, markers of early atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk».

Κύρου Ιωάννης

  1. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos D, Kyrou I, Tsioufis C, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Chourdakis M, Micha R, Michas G, Ntouroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri K, Zampelas A. Presence of Hypertension Is Reduced by Mediterranean Diet Adherence in All Individuals with a More Pronounced Effect in the Obese: The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutrients. 2020 Mar 23;12(3):853. 
  2. Filipe A, Katopodis P, Chudasama D, Kerslake R, Jeyaneethi J, Anikin V, Silva E, Kyrou I, Randeva HS, Sisu C, Hall M, Karteris E. Differential Expression of RAD51AP1 in Ovarian Cancer: Effects of siRNA In Vitro. J Pers Med. 2022 Feb 1;12(2):201.
  3. Zahra A, Kerslake R, Kyrou I, Randeva HS, Sisu C, Karteris E. Impact of Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Bisphenol A (BPA) on the Gene Expression Profile in an In Vitro Model of the Normal Human Ovary. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May 10;23(10):5334.
  4. Omran F, Kyrou I, Osman F, Lim VG, Randeva HS, Chatha K. Cardiovascular Biomarkers: Lessons of the Past and Prospects for the Future. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May 19;23(10):5680.
  5. Gharanei S, Ramanjaneya M, Patel AH, Patel V, Shabir K, Auld C, Karteris E, Kyrou I, Randeva HS. NUCB2/Nesfatin-1 Reduces Obesogenic Diet Induced Inflammation in Mice Subcutaneous White Adipose Tissue. Nutrients. 2022 Mar 28;14(7):1409.
  6. Shea S, Lionis C, Kite C, Atkinson L, Chaggar SS, Randeva HS, Kyrou I. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Potential Links to Depression, Anxiety, and Chronic Stress. Biomedicines. 2021 Nov 16;9(11):1697.
  7. Flessa CM, Kyrou I, Nasiri-Ansari N, Kaltsas G, Kassi E, Randeva HS. Endoplasmic reticulum stress in nonalcoholic (metabolic associated) fatty liver disease (NAFLD/MAFLD). J Cell Biochem. 2022. 
  8. Androutsakos T, Nasiri-Ansari N, Bakasis AD, Kyrou I, Efstathopoulos E, Randeva HS, Kassi E. SGLT-2 Inhibitors in NAFLD: Expanding Their Role beyond Diabetes and Cardioprotection. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Mar 13;23(6):3107.

Κεφάλαια σε βιβλία

  1. Tsigos C, Kyrou I, Kassi E, Chrousos GP. Stress Endocrine Physiology and Pathophysiology. In: Chrousos GP (Ed), Adrenal Disease and Function (http://www.endotext.org/section/adrenal/) 4th edition in Endotext.org, MDTEXT.COM, INC, S. Dartmouth, MA, 2020.
  2. Kyrou I, Tsigos C. Primary Adrenal Hypoplasia and ACTH Resistance Syndromes. Editor-in-Chief: Ilpo Huhtaniemi; Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, Academic Press; ISBN: 9780128121993; 2018.
  3. Kyrou I, Randeva H, Tsigos C, Kaltsas G, Weickert MO. Clinical problems caused by obesity. In: Purnell J, Perreault L (Eds), Obesity. (http://www.endotext.org/section/obesity/) 3rd edition Endotext.org, MDTEXT.COM, INC, S. Dartmouth, MA, 2018.
  4. Tsigos C, Kyrou I, Kassi E, Chrousos GP. Stress Endocrine Physiology and Pathophysiology. In: Chrousos GP (Ed), Adrenal Disease and Function (http://www.endotext.org/section/adrenal/) 3rd edition Endotext.org, MDTEXT.COM, INC, S. Dartmouth, MA, 2016.
  5. Kyrou I, Mattu H, Chatha K, Randeva H. Fat hormones, adipokines. In Schisler JC, Lang CH, Willis M (eds); Endocrinology of the Heart in Health and Disease. Academic Press, 11 Nov 2016. 1st Edition. www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780128031117
  6. Kyrou I, Randeva H, Tsigos C. Stress, Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes. In George Fink (ed); Stress: Neuroendocrinology and Neurobiology, Academic Press, San Diego, 2017.
  7. Kyrou I, Tsigos C. Familial Adrenal Hypoplasia Syndromes. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. Elsevier. 09 Feb 2016, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.98869-X.
  8. Kyrou I, Weickert MO, Randeva H. Diagnosis and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. In: Ajjan R, Orme S. (Eds), Endocrinology and Diabetes: Case Studies, Questions, and Commentaries, Springer, UK 2014.
  9. Kyrou I, Randeva H, Weickert MO. Clinical problems caused by obesity. Chapter In: Weickert MO (Ed), Obesity. (http://www.endotext.org/section/obesity/) 2nd edition at Endotext.org, MDTEXT.COM, INC, S. Dartmouth, MA, 2014.
  10. Kassi E, Kyrou I, Tsigos C, Chrousos GP. Stress Endocrine Physiology and Pathophysiology Chapter In: Chrousos GP (Ed), Adrenal Disease & Function (www.endotext.org/section/adrenal/) 2nd edition at Endotext.org, MDTEXT.COM, INC, S. Dartmouth, MA, 2012.
  11. Kyrou I, Haukeland JW, Bhala N, Kumar S. Metabolic syndrome, diabetes and NASH. In: Kopelman P, Caterson I, Dietz W. (Eds), Clinical Obesity in Adults & Children, 3rd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 2010.
  12. Kyrou I, Weickert MO. Clinical problems caused by obesity. Online Chapter In: Tschoep M (Ed), Obesity. (http://www.endotext.org/section/obesity/) 1st edition published online at Endotext.org, MDTEXT.COM, INC, S. Dartmouth, MA, 2010.
  13. Kyrou I, Tsigos C. HPA Axis, adipose tissue and the metabolic syndrome. In: Seminars in Endocrinology: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. Published by the Hellenic Endocrinology Association, Athens, Greece, 2007.
  14. Tsigos C, Kyrou I. Stress, Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes. In: Fink G. (Ed), Encyclopedia of Stress, 2nd edition, Academic Press, San Diego, USA, 2007.
  15. Tsigos C, Kyrou I. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis interactions with inflammatory cytokines and the metabolic syndrome. In: Seminars in Endocrinology: Metabolic Syndrome. Published by the Hellenic Endocrinology Association, Athens, Greece, 2006.
  16. Kyrou I, Tsigos C. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. In: van Heerden J, Linos D (Eds), Adrenal Glands: Diagnostic Aspects and Surgical Therapy, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, 2005.
  17. Tsigos C, Kyrou I. Obesity and the gonadal axis. In: Panidis D. (Ed), Endocrinology of reproduction, Published by the Hellenic Endocrinology Association, Athens, Greece, 2004.
  18. Tsigos C, Kyrou I, Chrousos GP. Stress Endocrine Physiology and Pathophysiology Online Chapter In: Chrousos GP (Ed), Adrenal Disease and Function (www.endotext.org/section/adrenal/) 1st edition Published online at Endotext.org, MDTEXT.COM, INC, S. Dartmouth, MA, 2004.
  19. Tsigos C, Kyrou I, Chrousos GP. Stress, Endocrine Manifestations and Diseases: The Research and the Practice. In: Cooper GL (Ed), Handbook of Stress Medicine and Health, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Boca Barton, Florida, USA, 2004.
  20. Tsigos C, Kyrou I. Molecular actions of the thyroid hormones. Thyroid receptors and thyroid hormone resistance syndromes. In: Seminars in Endocrinology: Thyroid. Published by the Hellenic Endocrinology Association, Athens, Greece, 2004.
  21. Tsigos C, Kyrou I. Neuroendocrine Regulation of Metabolism. In: Seminars in Endocrinology: Neuroendocrinology, Published by the Hellenic Endocrinology Association, Athens, Greece, 2003.
  22. Fotiadis C, Kyrou I, Pousios D, Xekouki P, Pilichos Ch. Greek Edition of: Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis, Surgical Clinics of North America. Published by Paschalidis Medical Publications, Athens, Greece, 1999.

Μαγριπλή Εμμανουέλα

  1. Magriplis E, Farajian P, Risvas G, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. High sodium intake of children through ‘hidden’ food sources and its association with the Mediterranean diet: the GRECO study. J Hypertens 2011; 29(6):1069-76. (IF: 4.21)
  2. Magriplis E, Farajian P, Risvas G, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Newly derived children-based food index. An index that may detect childhood overweight and obesity. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2015; 66(6): 623-32. (IF: 2.79)
  3. NCD Risk Factor Collaborators. Worldwide trends in children’s and adolescents’ body mass index, underweight, overweight and obesity, in comparison with adults, from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2,416 population-based measurement studies with 128.9 million participants. The Lancet 2017; 390(10113): 2627-42. (IF: 60.39)
  4. Magriplis E, Farajian P, Risvas G, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Maternal smoking and risk of obesity in school children: investigating Early Life Theory from the GRECO study. Prev Med Rep; 2018:177-82. (IF: 3.45)
  5. NCD Risk Factor Collaborators. Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to global trends and variations in raised blood pressure: a pooled analysis of 1,015 population-based measurement studies with 88.9 million participants. Int J Epidemiol 2018;47:872-83. (IF: 7.71)
  6. Papakonstantinou E, Kontogianni MD, Mitrou P, Magriplis E, Vassiliadi D, Nomikos T, Lambadiari V, Georgousopoulou E, Dimitriadis G. Effects of 6 vs 3 eucaloric patterns on glycaemic control and satiety in people with impaired glucose tolerance or overt type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial; Diabetes Metab 2018; 44:226-34. (IF: 4.01)
  7. Foscolou A, Magriplis E, Tyrovolas S, Soulis G, Bountziouka V, Polychronopoulos E, Mariolis A, Piscopo S, Valacchi G, Anastasiou F, Gotsis E, Metallinos G, Tyrovola D, Polystipioti A, Matalas AL, Lionis C, Zeimbekis A, Tur JA, Sidossis LS, Panagiotakos DB for the MEDIS Study Group. Lifestyle determinants of healthy aging in a Mediterranean population: the multinational MEDIS Study. Exp Gerontology 2018;110:35-41. (IF: 3.08)
  8. Foscolou A, Georgousopoulou E, Magriplis E, Naumovski N, Rallidis L, Matalas AL, Chrysohoou C, Tousoulis D, Pitsavos C, Panagiotakos DB. The mediating role of Mediterranean diet on the association between Lp(a) levels and cardiovascular disease risk: a 10-year follow-up of the ATTICA study. Clin Biochem 2018;60:33-7. (IF: 2.43).
  9. Kouli GM, Panagiotakos DB, Kyrou I, Magriplis E, Georgousopoulou EN, Chrysohoou C, Tsigos C, Tousoulis D, Pitsavos C. Olive oil consumption and 10-year (2002-2012) Cardiovascular Disease incidence: the ATTICA Study. Eur J Nutr 2019; 58: 131-38. (IF: 4.45)
  10. Panagiotakos DB, Kouli GM, Magriplis E, Kyrou I, Ekavi N Georgousopoulou EN, Chrysohoou C, Tsigos C, Tousoulis D, Pitsavos C. Beer, wine consumption, and 10-year CVD incidence: the ATTICA Study. Eur J Clin Nutr 2019;73:1015-23. (IF: 3.11)
  11. Magriplis E, Farajian P, Risvas G, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. The relationship between behavioral factors and a dietary pattern in primary school aged children: the GRECO study. Clin Nutr 2019; 38: 310-6. (IF: 6.36)
  12. Foscolou A, Magriplis E, Tyrovolas S, Tyrovolas S, Chrysohoou C, Sidossis LS, Matalas AL, Rallidis L, Panagiotakos D; for the MEDIS Study Group. The association of protein and carbohydrate intake on successful aging; a combined analysis of two epidemiological studies; Eur J Nutr 2019;58: 807-17. (IF: 4.45)
  13. Magriplis E*, Dimakopoulos I*, Karageorgou D, Mitsopoulou AV, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Aims, Design and Preliminary Findings of the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). BMC Med Res Methodol 2019; 19:37. doi: 10.1186/s12874-018-0655-y. * equally contributed. (IF: 3.03)
  14. Mitsopoulou AV, Magriplis E, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A.  Association of meal and snack patterns with micronutrient intakes among Greek children and adolescents: data from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS).  J Hum Nutr Diet 2019;32:455-67. (IF: 3.15)
  15. Papakonstantinou E, Papavasiliou C, Pappas M, Sotiropoulos A, Bousboulas S, Magriplis E, Maouri C, Kontogianni P, Pappas S, Koutsovasilis A. Postprandial glucose response after the consumption of three mixed meals based on the carbohydrate counting method in adults with type 1 diabetes. A randomized cross-over trial. Clin Nutr ESPEN 2019; 31:48-55.
  16. Karageorgou D, Magriplis E, Mitsopoulou AV, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Dietary patterns in Greek adults and lifestyle characteristics in adults: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Public Health 2019;171:76-88. (IF: 1.77)
  17. Varagiannis P, Magriplis E, Risvas G, Vamvouka K, Nisianaki A, Papageorgiou A, Pervanidou P, Chrousos G, Zampelas A. Validation of a self reported food frequency questionnaire for overweight and obese children, using parental 3-day food records: the 4yourfamily study. Nutrition Today 2019;54:151-8.
  18. Notara V, Magriplis E, Sakellari E, Prapas C, Rojas-Gil AP, Kornilaki, EN Lagiou A, Panagiotakos DB. Parental weight status and early adolescence body weight in association with socioeconomic factors. J Educ Health Promot. 2019;24;8:77 doi: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_14_19. eCollection 2019
  19. Magriplis E, Sialvera TE, Papadopoulou A, Efstathiou SP, Trautwein EA, Goumas G, Dimakopoulos I, Papavasiliou K, Koutsouri A, Zampelas A. Effectiveness and easiness of adherence to behavioural guidelines for diet and lifestyle changes for cholesterol-lowering: The Increasing Adherence of Consumers to Diet & Lifestyle Changes to Lower (LDL) Cholesterol (ACT) randomised controlled trial.  J Hum Nutr Diet 2019;32:607-18. (IF: 3.15)
  20. NCD Risk Factor Collaborators. Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic. Nature 2019; 569(7755): 260-4. (IF: 43.07)
  21. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos D, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Chourdakis M, Chrousos GP, Roma E, Zampelas A. Prevalence of hyperlipidemia in adults and its relation to the Mediterranean Diet: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Eur J Prev Cardiol 2019; 26(18):1957-67. (IF: 5.86)
  22. Magriplis E, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Bakogianni I, Dimakopoulos I, Micha R, Michas G, Chourdakis M, Roma E, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Frequency and quantity of egg consumption is not associated with dyslipidemia: the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutrients 2019;11(5). pii: E1105. doi: 10.3390/nu11051105. (IF: 4.55)
  23. Zampelas A., Magriplis E. New insights into cholesterol Functions: A friend or an enemy? Nutrients 2019;11(7). pii: E1645. doi: 10.3390/nu11071645. (IF: 4.55)
  24. Papandreou D, Magriplis E, Karavolia E, Karavolias C, Zampelas A. Postprandial Effects of Raw Orange, 100% Fresh Orange Juice, and Nectar-Sweetened Orange Juice on Blood Glucose and Insulin Levels. Nutrients 2019; 11(9); pii:E2171. (IF: 4.55)
  25. Dimakopoulos I, Magriplis E, Karageorgou D, Mitsopoulou AV, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Vitamin D status of the Greek population in relation to food, supplements and sunlight exposure: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Clin Nutr ESPEN 2019; 34: 23-31.
  26. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos D, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Chourdakis M, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Zampelas A.  Hypertension prevalence, in a representative sample of Greek adults: The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Hell J Cardiol 2019; S1109-9666(19)30290-8. doi: 10.1016/j.hjc.2019.10.013.  (IF: 4.05)
  27. Zampelas A. & Magriplis E. Dietary patterns in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: A review of the evidence. Proc Nutr Soc 2020; 79:68-75. (IF: 5.02)
  28. Karageorgou D, Magriplis E, Mitsopoulou AV, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A.  Dietary patterns and their associations with cardiovascular disease in Greece: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2020; 30(2): 201-13. (IF: 3.70)
  29. Mitsopoulou AV, Magriplis E, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A.  Micronutrient intakes and their food sources among children and adolescents in Greece: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Public Health Nutr 2020; 23(13):2314-26. (IF: 2.53)
  30. Dimakopoulos I, Magriplis E, Karageorgou D, Mitsopoulou AV, Bakogianni I, Micha R, Michas G, Douroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri N, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Contribution of food groups to vitamin D intake in a representative sample of the adult Greek population: results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutrition 2020; 72:110642; doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2019.110641. (IF: 3.64)
  31. Katsouri E, Magriplis E, Zampelas A, Nychas GJ, Drosinos E. Nutritional aspects of pre-packed feta cheese in Greece. Foods 2020;9(3):253. (IF: 4.09)
  32. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos DB, Kyrou I, Tsioufis C, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Chourdakis M, Micha R, Michas G, Ntouroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri K, Zampelas A. Presence of hypertension is modified by Mediterranean diet adherence with more pronounced effect in obese individuals.  The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutrients 2020;23;12(3):853 (IF: 4.55)
  33. Faka A, Chalkias C, Magriplis E, Georgousopoulou EN, Tripitsidis A, Pitsavos C, Panagiotakos DB. The influence of socio-environmental determinants on hypertension. A spatial analysis in Athens metropolitan area, Greece. J Prev Med Hygiene 2020; 61(1): E76-E84. (IF 1.53)
  34. NCD Risk factor collaborators. Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol. Nature, 2020; 582(7810): 73-7. (IF: 43.07)
  35. Apostalaki I, Pepa A, Magriplis E, Malisova O and Kapsokefalou M. Mediterranean diet adherence, social capital and health related quality of life in the older adults of Crete, Greece: The MINOA study. Med J Nut Metab 2020; 149-161.
  36. Smiliotopoulos T, Magriplis E, Zampelas A. Validation of the self-reported food propensity questionnaire used in the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Nutrients 2020; 12(6): 1808. (IF: 4.55)
  37. Panagiotakos DB, Magriplis E, Zampelas A. The re-calibrated HellenicSCORE based on newly derived risk factors from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS); the HellenicSCORE II. Hell J Cardiol 2020 Apr 18:S1109-9666(20)30073-7. doi: 10.1016/j.hjc.2020.03.006 (IF: 4.05)
  38. Vazquez-Montes MDLA, Debray TPA, Taylor KS, Speich B, Jones N, Collins GS, Hobbs FDR, Magriplis E, Maruri-Aguilar H, Moons KGM, Parissis J, Perera R, Roberts N, Taylor CJ, Kadoglou NPE, Trivella M. UMBRELLA PROTOCOL: Systematic reviews of multivariable biomarker prognostic models developed to predict clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure. PROSPERRO registered: num CRD42019086990. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research. 2020 Aug; 4:13.
  39. Michas G, Magriplis E, Micha R, Chourdakis M, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Heart failure in Greece: The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Hell J Cardiol; 2020 Sep 15: S1109-9666(20)30191-3; Epub ahead of print. (IF: 4.05)
  40. NCD Risk factor collaborators. Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries: Pooled analysis of 2,086 population-based studies with 65 million participants. The Lancet. 2020 Nov; 396(10261):1511-1524. (IF 60.39)
  41. Ismail LC, Osaili TM, Mohamad MN, Marzouqi AA, Jarrar AH, Abu Jamous DO, Magriplis E, Ali HI, Sabbah HA, Hasan H, AlMarzooqi LMR, Stojanovska L, Hashim M, Shaker Obaid RR, Saleh ST, Al Dhaheri AS. Eating Habits and Lifestyle during COVID-19 Lockdown in the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients; 2020 Oct; 12(11): 3314. (IF: 4.55)
  42. Katsouri E, Magriplis E, Zampelas A, Nychas GJ, Drosinos E. Dietary intake assessment of pre-packed graviera cheese in Greece and nutritional characterization using the Nutri-Score Front of Pack Label scheme; Nutrients; 2021 Jan 20; 13(2):295. (IF: 4.55).
  43. Mitsopoulou AV, Magriplis E, Michas G, Micha R, Chourdakis M, Chrousos GP, Roma E, Panagiotakos DB, Zampelas A. Micronutrient intakes and their food sources among Greek adults: the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). J Hum Nutr Diet; 2021 Jan 26; epub ahead of print. (IF 3.15)
  44. Varagiannis P, Magriplis E, Risvas G, Vamvouka K, Nisianaki A, Papageorgiou A, Pervanidou P, Chrousos GP, and Zampelas A. Effects of three different family-based interventions in overweight and obese children:  the “4 your family” randomized controlled trial. Nutrients; 2021 Jan 24; 13(2):341. (IF: 4.55)
  45. Magriplis E, Panagiotakos DB, Papakonstantinou E, Dimitriadis G, Mitsopoulou AV, Karageorgou D, Dimakopoulos I, Bakogianni I, Chourdakis M, Micha R, Michas GMD, Ntouroupi T, Tsaniklidou SM, Argyri K, Zampelas A. Prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in a representative sample of Greek adults and its association with modifiable factors: Results from the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Public Health; 2021 Jan18:S0033-3506(20)30444-3. (IF 1.77)
  46. Kanellopoulou A, Notara V, Magriplis E, Antonogeorgos G, , Rojas-Gil AP, Kornilaki E, Lagiou A, and Panagiotakos D. Sleeping patterns and childhood obesity: an epidemiological study in Greece. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2021 Feb 12; epub ahead of print. (IF: 3.586).
  47.  Notara V, Kanellopoulou A, Diamanntis DD, Antonogeorgos G, Magriplis E, Rojas-Gil AP, Kornilaki E, Kosti. IR, Lagiou A, and Panagiotakos D. Extracurricular activities and childhood obesity: an epidemiological study among 10-12 years old children. Children and Youth Services Review; 2021 Feb; Elsevier, vol. 120(C). (IF 1.52).
  48. Michas G, Magriplis E, Micha R, Chourdakis M, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Sociodemographic and lifestyle determinants of depressive symptoms in a nationally representative sample of Greek adults: The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Journal of Affective Disorders; 2021 Feb 15; 281:192-198. (IF: 3.89)
  49. NCD Risk factor collaborators. Heterogeneous contributions of change in population mean body-mass index to changes in obesity and underweight. eLife; 10:  e60060. (IF: 7.08)
  50.  Apostolopoulou Ai, Magriplis E, Tsekitsidi E, Oikonomidou A.C, Papaefstathiou E, Tsakiridis I, Dagklis T, Chourdakis M. Development and validation of a short culture specific Food Frequency Questionnaire for Greek pregnant women and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet. Nutrition,2021,111357, ISSN 0899-9007. (IF: 3.64)
  51. Magriplis E and Chourdakis M. Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Diseases. Nutrients; 2021. Editorial (invited). (IF:5.72)
  52. Magriplis E, Michas G, Petridi E, Chrousos GP, Roma E, Benetou V, Cholopoulos N, Micha R, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Dietary Sugar Intake and Its Association with Obesity in Children and Adolescents. Children (Basel). 2021 Aug 3;8(8):676. doi: 10.3390/children8080676. (IF: 2.3)
  53. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. Lancet. 2021 Sep 11;398(10304):957-980. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01330-1.
  54. Marakis G, Gaitis F, Mila S, Papadimitriou D, Tsigarida E, Mousia Z, Karpouza A, Magriplis E and Zampelas A. Attitudes towards Olive Oil Usage, Domestic Storage, and Knowledge of Quality: A Consumers’ Survey in Greece. Nutrients; 2021, 13, 3709 (IF 5.72)
  55. Moschonis G, Magriplis E and Zampelas A.  Νovel Nutrition Education approaches for Health Promotion: from investigating problems to finding solutions. Nutrients; 2021. Editorial (invited). (IF:5.72)
  56. Gkotzamanis  V, Magriplis E, Panagiotakos D. The Effect of Physical Activity Interventions on Cognitive Function of Older Adults; a systematic review of clinical trials. Psychiatriki; 2022;10.22365/jpsych.2022.060. doi:10.22365/jpsych.2022.060
  57. Kotopoulou S, Zampelas A and Magriplis E. Dietary nitrate and nitrite and human health: a narrative review by intake source. Nutrition Reviews; 2022 Mar 10;80(4):762-773. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuab113. IF (7.2).
  58. Magriplis E, Marakis G, Kotopoulou S, Naska A. Michas G, Micha R, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Trans Fatty Acid intake increases likelihood of dyslipidemia especially among individuals with higher saturated fat consumption. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine; 2022, 23(4), 130; https://doi.org/10.31083/j.rcm2304130. IF (2.93).
  59. Michas G, Magriplis E, Micha R, Chourdakis M, Koutelidakis A, Dimitriadis G, Panagiotakos D, Zampelas A. Prevalence and factors associated with smoking in a nationally representative sample of Greek adults: The Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS). Hell J Cardiol; 2022 May 20;S1109-9666(22)00067-7. doi: 10.1016/j.hjc.2022.05.005. Online ahead of print.
  60. Niforou A, Magriplis E, Klinaki E, Niforou K and Naska A.  On account of trans fatty acids and cardiovascular disease risk – there is still a need to upgrade the knowledge and educate consumers; Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases (NMCD); in press.

Κεφάλαια σε βιβλία

  1. Magriplis E, Andreou E, Zampelas A. The Mediterranean diet: what it is and how it canbe applied to obesity. Chapter Nutrition in and Prevention and Treatment of AbdominalObesity, second edition. 2018. Link: https://www.elsevier.com/books/nutrition-in-theprevention-and-treatment-...
  2. Magriplis E & Zampelas A. The Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular diseases: an overview. Chapter in The Mediterranean Diet. Preedy VR (2nd ed). Academic Press 2020; ISBN 9780128186497
  3. Magriplis E & Ζampelas A. Mediterranean diet in children and adolescents. Chapter in The Mediterranean Diet. Preedy VR (2nd ed). Academic Press 2020; ISBN 9780128186497

Πούλια Καλλιόπη Άννα

  1. Kanioura, E.; Tzanninis, I.-G.; Poulia, K.-A.; Stamou, A.; Liaskas, A.; Politis, D.; Kaoura, A.; Garefalakis, G.; Viniou, N.A.; Diamantopoulos, P. Are We Identifying Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patients with Hematologic Malignancies? Results from a Quality Clinical Audit. Diseases 2022, 10, 40. https://doi.org/10.3390/diseases10030040
  2. Haidar, S.A.; de Vries, N.; Poulia, K.-A.; Hassan, H.; Rached, M.; Karavetian, M. Neck Circumference as a Screening Tool for Metabolic Syndrome among the Lebanese. Diseases 2022, (accepted for publication)
  3. Tarantino S, Hiesmayr M, Sulz I; nDay working group. nutritionDay Worldwide Annual Report 2019. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2022 Jun;49:560-667. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2022.01.001. Epub 2022 Feb 5. PMID: 35623868.
  4. Papakonstantinou E, Xaidara M, Siopi V, Giannoglou M, Katsaros G, Theodorou G, Maratou E, Poulia KA, Dimitriadis GD, Skandamis PN. Effects of Spaghetti Differing in Soluble Fiber and Protein Content on Glycemic Responses in Humans: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Healthy Subjects. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Mar 4;19(5):3001. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19053001
  5. Bakaloudi DR, Evripidou K, Jayawardena R, Breda J, Dardavessis T, Poulia KA, Chourdakis M. The Impact of Lockdowns on Caffeine Consumption: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Apr 26;19(9):5255.doi: 10.3390/ijerph19095255.
  6. Poulia KA, Antoniadou D, Sarantis P, Karamouzis MV. Pancreatic Cancer Prognosis, Malnutrition Risk, and Quality of Life: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients. 2022 Jan 19;14(3):442. doi: 10.3390/nu14030442.
  7. Karatzi K, Poulia KA, Papakonstantinou E, Zampelas A. The Impact of Nutritional and Lifestyle Changes on Body Weight, Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Children and Adolescents during the Pandemic of COVID-19: A Systematic Review. Children (Basel). 2021 Dec 4;8(12):1130. doi: 10.3390/children8121130

Κεφάλαια σε βιβλία

  1. Χειρουργική Ήπατος. Ενότητα III. Προεγχειρητική εκτίμηση – προετοιμασία. Κεφ. 18 Διαιτολογικές οδηγίες. Υπό έκδοση. Εκδότης Γ. Σωτηρόπουλος
  2. Κλινική Ηπατολογία. Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο: Υποθρεψία σε χρόνια ηπατοπάθεια – Κίρρωση. Εκδότης Γ. Παπαθεοδωρίδης 2020
  3. Κλινική Διατροφή με στοιχεία Παθολογίας. Β Έκδοση A Ζαμπέλας (Υπό έκδοση, Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδης) στα κεφάλαια:
  • Η διαδικασία της διατροφικής φροντίδας
  • Διατροφή στις νεφροπάθειες
  • HIV λοίμωξη και AIDS: Διατροφικά ζητήματα και διαιτολογική παρέμβαση
  • Νευρολογικά νοσήματα και διατροφή 
  • Εντερική Διατροφή
  • Παρεντερική Διατροφή
  • Υποστήριξη θρέψης κατ’ οίκον
  • Γηριατρική διατροφή
  • Δυσθρεψία σχετιζόμενη με τη νόσο
  • Καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα και Διατροφή
  1. Διατροφή στα στάδια της ζωής. Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο: Διατροφή στην Τρίτη Ηλικία. Α. Ζαμπέλας. (Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδη, 2018)
  2. Η πρόληψη στην καθημερινότητα. Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο: «Ο ρόλος της διατροφής στην πρόληψη και την πρόκληση νοσημάτων». Ινστιτούτο Μοριακής Ιατρικής και Βιοιατρικής Έρευνας, Αθήνα 2018
  3. “Νεότερες Θεραπείες στην Ογκολογία: Εγχειρίδιο Διαχείρισης των Ανεπιθύμητων Ενεργειών» Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο «Η σημασία της διατροφικής αξιολόγησης σε ασθενείς με καρκίνο. Ελληνική Εταιρία Ογκολόγων Παθολόγων Ελλάδας, Αθήνα 2018
  4. «Νεότερες Θεραπείες στην Ογκολογία: Εγχειρίδιο Ενημέρωσης Ασθενών για τις Ανεπιθύμητες Ενέργειες» Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο «Η σημασία της διατήρησης μιας καλής διατροφικής κατάστασης» Ελληνική Εταιρία Ογκολόγων Παθολόγων Ελλάδας, Αθήνα 2018
  5. Εσωτερική Παθολογία Σωτηρίου Ράπτη. Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο: Αρχές σωστής διατροφής και εκτίμηση Θρέψης. Χ. Δημοσθενόπουλος, Κ Πούλια, Ν. Κατσιλάμπρος. (Β’ Τόμος, σελίδες 2217-2246) Β’ Έκδοση. Επιστημονικές Εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου Α.Ε, 2008
  6. «Κλινική Διατροφή» N. Κατσιλάμπρος, Β’ Έκδοση (Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις ΒΗΤΑ, εκδόσεις 2008) στα κεφάλαια:
  • Διαβήτης και διατροφή
  • Χρόνια Νεφρική Νόσος και διατροφή
  1. «Κλινική Διατροφή με στοιχεία Παθολογίας. A Ζαμπέλας (Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδης, 2007) στα κεφάλαια:
  • Η διαδικασία της διατροφικής φροντίδας
  • Διατροφή στις νεφροπάθειες
  • HIV λοίμωξη και AIDS: Διατροφικά ζητήματα και διαιτολογική παρέμβαση
  • Νευρολογικά νοσήματα και διατροφή 
  1. «Κλινική Διατροφή» N. Κατσιλάμπρος (Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις ΒΗΤΑ, έκδοση 2004) στα κεφάλαια:
  • Διαβήτης και διατροφή
  • Χρόνια Νεφρική Νόσος και διατροφή
  1. Αρχές Κλινικής Διατροφής και διατροφικής θεραπευτικής» Μ. Χουρδάκης, Δ. Κούβελας (Εκδόσεις Ροτόντα, 2007) στα κεφάλαια:
  • Διατροφή και νεφρική νόσος
  • Διατροφή στην HIV λοίμωξη/AIDS
  1. Ελληνική έκδοση του βιβλίου του Nutrition Society book of “Nutrition and Metabolism” Εκδότης A. Ζαμπέλας. (Πασχαλίδης Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις, 2008) στα κεφάλαια:
  • Διατροφή και εγκέφαλος
  • Το Καρδιαγγειακό Σύστημα
  1. OVARIAN CANCER: The “GYNAECOLOGICAL CHALLENGE” from diagnostic work-up to cytoreduction and chemotherapy. Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο «Nutrition – essential support in ovarian cancer patients». NOVA publishers (υπό έκδοση)
  2. Chronic Kidney Disease (Stages 1-3) A Guide for Nurses. Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο «Nutritional management in chronic kidney disease». (EDTNA/ERCA 2021)
  3. «New Treatments in Oncology: Manual for the Management of Adverse Events”. Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο: Nutritional assessment in cancer patients. Ελληνική Εταιρία Ογκολόγων Παθολόγων Ελλάδας, Αθήνα 2018
  4. Caring for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Nutrition therapy for patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. (EDTNA/ERCA 2019)
  5. Home hemodialysis – A Nurses Guide to Implementing Best Practice in Home Haemodialysis. Chapter 10. Dietary management at home hemodialysis. (EDTNA/ERCA, 2017)
  6. 500 Questions and Answers about Peritoneal Dialysis. A Guide to Clinical Practice, Edition EDTNA/ERCA 2016
  7. A Guide to implementing Renal Best Practice in Hemodialysis, Edition of EDTNA/ERCA, 2014
  8. “Chronic Kidney Disease (stages 4-5). A Guide to Clinical Practice. Κεφάλαιο: Nutritional management of CKD stages 4-5. Edition of EDTNA/ERCA, 2008
  9. «Peritoneal Dialysis. A guide to Clinical Practice». Edition of EDTNA/ERCA, 2009
  10. “Caring for the Elderly Renal Patient. A Guide for the Elderly Renal Patient” Chapter 8: Nutritional requirements in elderly renal patients. Edition of EDTNA/ERCA, 2011
  11. “Frontiers in Nutrition Research” Ed. Julie D. Huang. Chapter 7: A. Zampelas, K-A Poulia. Recent developments in ω-3 fatty acids research and cardiovascular diseases. Edition of Nova Science Publishers, 2006